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It was a week later, and Andrea needed to tell Simon — it really wasn't fair to keep this a secret any longer.

Freya held her hand tightly as they approached the Sidemen house. They were greeted warmly by Josh. Andrea felt sick again.

"Can we talk in the living room?" she mumbles. Josh's eyebrows twist together, but he nods. "I need to talk to Simon first." He nods again, and lets the two into the house.

"What's going on?" Josh asks softly in Freya's ear.

"I'm not saying anything," Freya chuckles, walking off toward the living room. Josh followed, now feeling very anxious.


Andrea knocked softly on Simon's door, her arms clutched tightly around her stomach. The door opens, a smile immediately replacing Simon's grimace. "Hi, gorgeous," he speaks, pulling her into a hug. The scent of him relaxed her instantly, and she embraced him back. "You look beautiful," he comments once they part, Andrea blushing. She lacked makeup and all she needed to hear was his reassurance on her beauty to brighten her day.

"Can we talk about something serious?" Andrea questions, looking up at him. She bites her lip as he grabs her hand and tugs her into his room, her hand reaching for the knob and pulling the door shut.

She sat on his bed, Simon pulling his gaming chair in front of her. He saw her hands shaking and the shimmer of tears sprouting in her eyes, so out of instinct, he wrapped his hands around hers. She took a deep breath, and clasped her fingers around his.

"Simon, I don't know how to say this," she mutters, tears falling from her eyes. She quickly runs her finger along her eyelids, scolding herself for being so weak still.

"Tell me," he whispers. "Unless we're breaking up again, then I don't wanna hear it." His voice had a teasing tone to it, and it made Andrea giggle.

"No," she retorts, moving her eyes from her lap and up to his face. "I'm just gonna say it, okay?"

"Okay," he mumbles.

"Promise me you won't hate me," she whispers. He gives her a confused look.

"I could never," he remarks.

"I'm-" She choked. She really didn't want to lose him — maybe he wasn't ready, and he'd have to leave her because of that.

"Andrea," Simon whispers, leaning forward, "I love you to the moon and back. I would do anything for you. Please tell me."

She took another deep breath, closing her eyes. "I'm pregnant," she whimpers. A part of her didn't want to open her eyes, partly because Simon wasn't responding, or even breathing, and partly because he had let go of her hands. "You hate me," she sobs.

"No, baby, I don't hate you," he retorts, grabbing her hands again. He tugs her onto his lap and holds her tightly. She still remains blind to his reaction. "I'm just shocked."

"I was too," she replies, finally opening her eyes. She wiped under them, Simon's finger placed gingerly underneath her chin and tilting her head back. He placed a soft kiss to her lips, her tongue immediately tasting the salt that was his tears.

"I love you," he speaks, his voice hoarse, "and I'm really happy for us." Andrea grins, kissing him again.

"I need to tell Josh," she sighs, standing. "Come with me?" she questions, holding out her hand. He smiles, taking her hand and letting her lead him down to the living room.

"How long have you known?" he asks quietly on their way there.

"A week," Andrea mutters, ashamed.

"How do you think Josh will react?" he questions, not bothered by the fact she kept this from him for quite some time — he knew it was her body, her decision, and whenever she was ready, he was too.

"If he's the Josh we know and love, he'll be gassed," Andrea responds, a ghost of a hopeful smile touching her lips. Soon they arrive in the living room, a knot suddenly tying up Andrea's stomach.

"Oh, thank God you two are holding hands," Josh exhales, jumping up to hug his sister and best friend. "I thought you two were ending things."

"Not even close," Andrea airily giggles. "Sit down, Josh," she softly orders. He does as told, his left leg bouncing. "I'm gonna pull off the band-aid quick because this past week has been hell for me." Josh nods, rubbing his knees with his sweaty palms. "I'm pregnant."

His body freezes, his face showing no emotion. Andrea was now waiting for his outburst — ready to stop him from pummeling Simon, if it came to that.

But Josh's eyes sprinkled tears onto his cheeks and his lips quivered. He stood and embraced his sister once more, his hold very telling of how much he loved her. Then he hugs Simon, congratulating them both.

"I can't wait to be an uncle," he grins, pulling the two back in for another hug. Freya joined the group hug and congratulated them as well.

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