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Andrea sighed as she looked in the mirror, running a hand stressfully through her hair. Simon had been pretty quiet for the past couple of days and it made Andrea's heart numb. It was all her fault.

"Just know that..." she whispers into her phone after ranting, "...I love you... so much.." And with that, she tapped the red button, ending her dragged on voicemail to Simon. She lets out a single sob, resting her forehead on her arms as they folded and laid on the vanity in front of her.

She regrets getting drunk that night- the night of her birthday. She felt she opened a wound in Simon, but she didn't know how.

Her phone rang, jolting her body. She sniffs a few times rapidly, then looks at the screen. A smile spread across her face and she instantly answers.

"Drea, I'm so sorry," Simon says. "I've had so much shit going on with YouTube these past couple days and I completely shut you out- not on purpose, just so you know."

"It's okay, Si," she giggles airily, pressing her forehead to her palm as her elbow is propped on the table.

"Are you okay?" he questions, concern obvious in his tone.

"I'm perfect now," she happily exhales. She looks in the mirror and admires her smile, and how quickly Simon could make it appear.

"Can I come over?" he asks. "It's okay if you don't want me to, I just miss you." Andrea nodded vigorously, then chuckles to herself softly as she realizes he can't see her.

"I would love that," she replies.

"I'll be over in fifteen then," he informs. Andrea could hear his grin, making her heart spring back to life.

"Sounds good," she responds. "Oh," she interjects before he hangs up, "don't listen to my voicemails."

"Why not?" he chuckles.

"Because I sound like a wife who just lost her husband and thinks that by calling his old phone number it'll heal her broken heart," she giggles. "Basically, I just sound stupid."

"I doubt that," he teases. Andrea rolls her eyes playfully and laughs an 'I love you' into the phone for the fifteenth time. "I love you too."


Simon arrived ten minutes late, going out of the way a bit to grab some red roses as an apology for leaving Andrea in the dust for a couple days. He'd listened to the voicemails, and he felt so much more guilty.

He patiently waited outside her flat, tapping his foot in hopes it'd make her greet him faster.

Andrea opened her door, presenting her wide smile and a towel wrapped messily around her body. Her hair was dripping onto the wood floor, making Simon chuckle lowly.

"Sorry to interrupt your shower," he teases.

"If you would've gotten here on time, you could've joined," she teases back, stepping back so he could come in.

"Freya still at her parents'?" Simon questions as he looks around the place. A couple days felt like a couple years, but the flat remained in its same state.

"Yup," Andrea replies.

"Here," Simon stammers, spinning around to face Andrea. She bites her lip to hide her smile, mostly because her cheeks ached from how much she'd been showing her teeth in the past thirty minutes. "For my beautiful girl." Andrea takes the roses from his hand and thanks him by pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. She walks into the kitchen and grabs the vase from the cabinet below the sink and sets the flowers inside, adding the right amount of water.

"I need to get dressed," she says softly, turning to face him. "You can sit on the couch and pick out something to watch." He hums, nodding, and takes off his jacket before doing as told.

Andrea walked into her room, placing the vase at an empty spot on her vanity. She gave them a toothless grin and a sniff, then threw off her towel and stepped into her shorts and a baggy sweatshirt. She brushed through her hair, her door creaking open. She smiled at Simon in the mirror, spinning around slowly. He steps up to her, cups her cheeks, and sets his lips on hers. They share a passionate kiss before Simon pulls away.

"I didn't mean to worry you," he whispers, moving his hand briefly to gingerly push back her hair.

"You listened to the voicemails," she sighs, not budging her eyes from his.

"I did," he confesses, keeping his voice to a low volume. "You didn't sound stupid." Their stare turned soft as their chests calmly moved out and in. "You've made me love you more, in fact."

Andrea gives a small smile, placing her lips back on his. "I'm sorry about the night of my birthday," she whispers once they part.

"I know you are," he responds. "And you don't need to be, babe."

"You have no idea how horrible I feel about-"

"Drea," he quietly interjects. A grin flickers on his face. "Stop." She nods a few times slowly. "Lets go watch Friends, shall we?" She smiles yet again, and nods as she bites down on her lips. Simon meshes his fingers with hers and leads her out to the living room, where they cuddle for the rest of the evening, ending the day with a calm slumber in each other's arms.


a/n: IVE HAD WRITER'S BLOCK FOR SO LONG, IM SO SORRY ABOUT THIS. I JUST WROTE IT NOW BC I WANTED TO GET SOMETHING OUT TO YOU GUYS. i will be continuing this book for a little bit longer than i planned, and i hope i can crank out GOOD chapters for you guys until the very last one, especially after this MESS of a chapter. love you guys x

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