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"Harriet, watch out for your brother!" Andrea shouted as the little girl ran frantically around the room, pretending to be an airplane. Her nearly one year old brother was attempting to stand up without wobbling and crashing to the ground, taking small steps. Andrea watched with excitement as her son grew closer and closer to walking on his own with the balance of a ballerina.

"I'm home!" Andrea's stomach flipped — yes, her husband still did that to her.

Simon steps into the kitchen/living area, pressing a gentle kiss to Andrea's cheek, walking past her to the fridge to grab his leftovers from the night before. He glanced over at Andrea as he heated his food in the microwave, smiling as he watched her look after the kids.

"Mommy, I lost a tooth!" Harriet shouts, holding her mouth. Andrea's face drops, rushing over to her child — Harriet wasn't quite old enough to lose any of her teeth yet. As Andrea pried Harriet's hand from her mouth and went to inspect her teeth, Harriet giggled and said, "Just kidding!"

Andrea lets out a relieved chuckle, tickling her daughter viciously. This made the little girl erupt with wild laughter, begging her mother to stop. Simon still watched, his smile growing bigger the longer the moment lasted.

Soon he was eating his meal, sat at the dinner table, reading the news on his phone.

"Daddy!" Harriet calls out, racing over to Simon. Simon smiles at her, shutting his phone off and abandoning his food to pull his daughter onto his lap. "I missed you so much!" she exclaims, hugging him tightly.

"Obviously not much if you only just noticed me," he teases, kissing her forehead.

"She was asking for you all day," Andrea speaks, walking over with Grayson wrapped up in her arms. He seemed sleepy, or maybe he was getting a cold. It was quite odd to find him in such a relaxed state.

"Are you a daddy's girl?" Simon chuckles, looking down at Harriet. She nods vigorously, leaning her body into his chest. He absorbs the moment, knowing she'll not like him as much when she's reached her teenage years. They seemed to be approaching very soon.

"I want a sister," Harriet mumbles into Simon's chest.

"Where did that come from?" Simon chuckles, moving Harriet away from his body so he could look at her.

"I was watching TV and then I really wanted a little sister," Harriet sighs. Simon chuckles, looking up at Andrea.

"Think we could order a little sister for Harriet?" he questions. Andrea's cheeks flush red, Harriet cheering.

"What if you get another little brother instead?" Andrea asked her, readjusting Grayson on her hip.

"I wouldn't mind, but I really want a little sister," Harriet responds. Her eyes shine so bright with the thought of a little sister, Andrea's stomach turning.

"It will take awhile for her to arrive," Andrea warns.

"As long as I get one, I'll be perfect," Harriet grins.

"Mommy and I will order a little sister tonight, okay?" Simon says to Harriet, kissing her temple. Harriet squeals, hugging her father tight. Harriet jumps off of his lap, scurrying up to her mother, embracing her legs.

"Thank you, thank you," she squeals, racing off to her room.

"Early bedtime tonight?" Simon questions with an eyebrow tugged upward.

"You know, I don't like you sometimes," Andrea jokes, giggling. She cuddles into Grayson, him cuddling back. He listens to her heartbeat and picks at her shirt. "He's so lovey, I don't know what's up with him," Andrea mutters to Simon, sitting at the table with him, Grayson clinging to her.

"He's probably just tired," he replies, poking a finger into the little boy's side. Grayson giggles, turning toward his father and pointing a finger at him.

"Here!" Harriet exclaims, rushing out with her piggy bank. She slams it down on the dinner table with force, Simon and Andrea surprised it hadn't busted open. Harriet removes the cork from the bottom, dumping out all of her coins and dollar bills. She scoots it toward Andrea. "I'll pay for my little sister," she explains, resting her head on her folded hands as they laid on the table. Andrea's heart throbbed.

"You don't need to pay for her, sweetie. Daddy and I have it covered," Andrea replied, scooting the money back toward Harriet.

"Are you sure?" Harriet asks. It was adorable how serious she was with handing over her money for something that didn't require money.

"I'm positive," Andrea grins.

"Hopefully you will be soon," Simon mumbles. Andrea rolls her eyes and tosses one of Simon's green beans at his face.

"I really wanna help though," Harriet interjects, Simon choking on his water. Andrea held in a laugh.

"You don't need to, honey. We got it, I promise," Andrea responded, giving Harriet a small pat on the head.

"Okay," she sighs, shoving her money back in her piggy back and trodding off to her room once more.

"That was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen," Simon comments, finishing off his plate of food. "She definitely got that from you," Simon adds as he walks over to the sink to wash his dishes. Andrea grins, shaking her head softly at him as she carries Grayson into the playroom, where he plays Barbies with Harriet.

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