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"Why are you here?" Josh shouted in a whisper.

"I came to hang out with Drea," Simon informed the concerned brother.

"And why are you only dressed in boxers?" Simon sighed, unable to find a way to explain how he'd ended up this way.

With sleepy eyes, Andrea appeared in the kitchen, where the two boys were conversing. "Good morning," she yawned, stretching out her body. "What are you two boys up to?"

Josh's eyes widened and filled with anger as he saw his baby sister wearing only panties under her shirt, the shirt belonging to Simon.

Those rage filled eyes snapped toward the blond boy, who was watching all of this unleash inside Josh with horror on his face.

Josh, with no control over his actions whatsoever, threw a punch directly at Simon's jaw, which sent the taller boy to stumble over his own feet and fall on his back.

Andrea's eyebrows furrowed together and widened as she was fully awoken by the thud of Simon falling. Josh lunged on the boy, but Andrea managed to pull him off before any more punches were thrown.

"Get off," Josh growled as he slipped out of Andrea's grip. Simon was now standing, but behind the island. "You slept with her!?" he questioned with a loud voice. Andrea now understood what was going on, glancing down at her apparel.

"Josh, it isn't what it looks like," Andrea exclaimed. Josh glanced at his sister, his chest heaving up and down as he waited for an explanation. "Last night brought back old feelings. And old memories. We watched a horror film, then watched Friends and ate some food before we both crashed on the couch." Simon's mind ran frantic as her first sentence echoes in his head.

"Last night brought back old feelings."

"How the hell have you two ended up like this then?" he yells as he gestures to both of their semi-exposed bodies.

"I always watched Friends with Simon in his shirt. His shirts are bigger than mine, and allow me some freedom from fucking trousers," she explains.

"And I was just shirtless for most of the night, but I got warm and took off my trousers before I fell asleep," Simon interjects.

Josh begins to calm himself down. He now recalled how they'd spend their date nights, realizing how stupid he was for jumping to conclusions.

"Why'd you get so mad anyway?" Simon questions softly. Josh's eyes snap open again, his calming techniques failing.

"Because you broke her goddamn heart," he muttered, storming toward Freya's room and slamming her door shut. Simon and Andrea stood in complete silence. It wasn't comfortable either.

Andrea couldn't believe her brother had just said that. Only he, Freya, and Dan knew how the breakup was for her on her end. Even though it was a mutual agreement, it was Simon who suggested it. And even though it seemed to be this way, he didn't necessarily break her heart, but the break up did.

Simon felt as guilty as ever. He was the one who suggested that a break up would be best for both, seeing as they wouldn't see each other as often as they'd like. He couldn't believe he'd hurt Andrea without even knowing.

When they talked about the split, they were at the airport. Andrea went to kiss him goodbye, but Simon pulled back and said what he felt was right. Andrea nodded, holding back her tears while she did so. She always could have an amazing poker face when it came to hiding her true feelings.

"I-I didn't know," Simon eventually spoke up after the two listened to Freya shout at Josh for being so stupid.

"It wasn't your fault," Andrea mumbled.

Simon glanced up, seeing the tears glisten in Andrea's eyes. He knew for a fact they weren't happy, as a frown was present on her face this time.

He moved around the island, and collided into her as he wrapped his long arms around her body. She allowed it, but didn't hug back. Simon didn't care, holding her tighter.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, which made Andrea burst into a sobbing mess. She didn't yelp or make any other sound, just sniffled into his chest and let her tears dampen his flesh.

Simon watched her fall apart with a heavy heart, aching to see her smile and laugh. He tried to say a pun about how if she was a fruit, she'd be a fineapple but she didn't budge. She was still sobbing and Simon was lost at what to do with himself. His horrible jokes always at least got the blonde to giggle or smack him in the arm while trying to hide a smile. But this time failed to be like the other times.

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