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Andrea sighed as she looked at herself in the body-length mirror, tilting her head to the side as she examined her airbrush-makeup and half-up-half-down hairstyle. Freya smiles wide as she settles the veil into Andrea's soft hair. Tears trickled down her face, making Andrea cry as well.

"I'm so happy for you," Freya whispers as Andrea turns around to face her. They embrace each other, crying tears of joy into each other's shoulder.

There was a knock on the door, Freya rushing over to answer it. "Hello, handsome," she grins, allowing Josh to step into the room. She plants a kiss on his cheek before guiding him over to his beautiful sister.

"You look gorgeous," Josh speaks, gazing at his sister with watery eyes.

"Thank you, Joshua," Andrea mumbles, inhaling deeply to calm her nerves. "I can't believe this day is happening," she chuckles, turning back around to face the mirror.

"You've grown up beautifully, Drea," Josh comments, standing beside her. "Mum and Dad are running late," he whispers.

"Of course they are," she huffs, shaking her head. "They're probably fighting in the parking lot."

"If your dad doesn't show up on time, Josh needs to give you away," Freya speaks, standing on the other side of Andrea.

"But he's Simon's best man," Andrea responds, adjusting her dress.

"He's your brother, that overrules all," Freya retorts with a gentle smile. "Simon can do with not having his best man by his side for a few minutes."

"I need to inform Simon then," Josh announces. "I'll be back." He exits in a calm, swift fashion, leaving Freya and Andrea to themselves.

"Where are those mini alcohol bottles?" Andrea questions, walking away from the mirror and into the lounge area of the dressing room. She finds them, selecting the Tequila. She chugs it within seconds, giggling as she tossing it into the bin.

"You don't need to be nervous, love," Freya softly speaks, setting the remaining bottles aside. "Simon loves you a lot, you can't mess anything up in his eyes."

"What if I somehow said the wrong name at the altar like Ross did in Friends?" Andrea panics, falling back onto the plump couch.

"You won't," Freya remarks, sitting beside her best friend. She places a hand on her bouncing leg, looking into her eyes. "You'll be okay."

Andrea gives a small smile, reaching for her phone. She had texts from Simon.


4 minutes ago

Si: I don't know if it's bad luck for us to text but I really need to make sure you're okay.

Si: Josh told me about your parents being late. I'm so sorry, Drea.

Si: I'm gonna have a talk with those pricks. It's your goddamn wedding day.

Si: And don't worry about borrowing my best man. Can't wait to see you, gorgeous xx

Drea: i love you a whole lot. and i'm fine, it doesn't bother me that much.

Si: Josh is on his way back over to you. He's got something for ya.

Drea: simon, i hate when you give me unexpected gifts :(

Si: It isn't a big deal, Drea. I love giving you stuff. I never expect anything back.

Drea: but i feel guilty anyway.

Si: If you really feel guilty, even over the tiniest things, you know you can always treat me to Nando's ;) xx

Drea: of course, you're right.

Drea: i'm getting scolded for texting you. gtg, i love you xxxxxxxx

Si: Don't be anxious either, Drea. I love you to the moon and back a million times xoxo


"This kid and his flowers," Freya chuckles as she sets the bouquet on the coffee table. Andrea giggles, looking for a card, finding it embedded in the roses.

For My Beautiful Bride,
I figured you were feeling super nervous and that really hurts my heart. I'd come give you a huge hug and remind you that nothing could change the way I feel about you but I don't want our marriage to have any bad luck. Love you, gorgeous.

"I hate you two," Freya laughs as she reads the card over Andrea's shoulder.

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