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Andrea lowered her voice when she spoke, at least having control of its volume. "Are we just going to dismiss the fact that we had sex back at my parents' house?" Simon looked taken aback and stress beyond belief. He knew something else was disturbing that beautiful mind of hers.

"I wanted to talk about it once we got back but it seemed like you felt differently," Simon replies.

"I just want to know if it meant anything to you," Andrea sighs. "And maybe even tell me where we stand, relationship wise?" Simon couldn't believe she was pushing this out of him. He was going to ask her on a proper date and maybe discuss the topic then but now he felt angry. His plan seemed to be destroyed.

"You're so impatient," he scoffs.

"Excuse me?" Andrea questions. He groans, pushing his anger aside. Maybe this was his chance.

"I was going to ask you on a date," he chuckles, "but now you kinda ruined that moment."

Andrea's chest caved in, a want to cry consuming her body. How could she have been so stupid.

"I'll just go then," she mumbles, removing herself from the booth to speed-walk, shamefully, out of the restaurant. But she ran into someone on the way out, glancing up. "Josh?"

"Andrea?" he questioned at the same time.

"I have to go," she spews, but her name was called out again by someone behind her. She couldn't move, as she wanted to hear what the voice had to say.

She was properly outside now, Josh next to her. He faced Simon, but she didn't. She was afraid to.

"Andrea," Simon starts, "I didn't mean that I would never ask you now." Andrea's body found life again. "I just- I wanted to ask you at a better time, ya know?" She chuckled, nodding. "Can you look at me please?" he softly asked.

She gulped down the dry lump in her throat and did as told. He gave a flicker of a smile after seeing Andrea was attempting to suppress her own.

"Would you go on a date with me, Andrea Rose?" Simon breathes out. His breath hung in the air as a cloud of white, his nose the slightest shade of pink. Andrea, with adrenaline coursing through her veins, nodded, a grin pressed on her lips. Simon sighs in relief, setting a time and date with her.

"Did I really just witness the possibility of my best friend and my sister getting back together?" Josh asks with obvious excitement.

"Maybe," Andrea giggles.

"Dibs on telling Freya," he shouts in her face, sprinting down the sidewalk.

"She's my best friend, I get to tell her!" Andrea yells, chasing after him.

"Well, she's my girlfriend!" he calls back.

"It's my life!" she retorts, soon catching up with him and jumping on his back. They burst into laughter as Josh's legs fail to hold them up, both collapsing to the ground.

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