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"They aren't doing a funeral," Simon muttered as he fell back onto the couch. Andrea looked up from her hands and settled her eyes on his side profile. "They're just gonna throw her in a grave and call it good."

Andrea frowned, her stomach churning as Simon's grief dragged on. It'd been three days since the death of Joanna, three days since Andrea had completely lost it, but regained it slowly within said days.

"How are your hands?" Simon asked Andrea, turning his head to look at her. She glanced back down at her hands, nodding.

"Still healing," she sighed. Simon sat up, settling the backs of her hands on his palms and examined the small slashes Andrea had created herself. They were made by her pressing her fingernails into her flesh, the pain of the skin breaking not stopping her but instead Simon, as blood ran down her fingers and onto her knuckles. She hadn't even realized she'd been doing it.

"And how are you feeling today?" he questioned, rubbing his thumbs along her wounds gently.

"Fine," she muttered. His eyes glanced up, her eyes allowing them to make contact. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that the suicide wasn't her fault.

"You look better," Simon comments, breaking Andrea's concentration on her own thoughts. A smile came and faded from his face. Andrea returned the short grin.

"Thank you. For everything," she spoke.

"I'm always here for you," he whispers. This time a smile sticks longer on her face, reflecting onto Simon's lips.

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