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"Babe, are you crying?" Simon softly questions to Andrea as David and Liza walk back down the aisle, the two now officially married.

"No," Andrea mutters, quickly drying her eyes. "It's the Vodka from earlier." Simon chuckles, giving her a side hug. Soon they were allowed to stand up and congratulate the newly weds. Andrea held tight onto Liza, who had been one of her friends for quite some time now. They'd never met in person, today marking their first meet up.

"You're growing up so fast," Andrea had whispered to Liza. Liza giggles, sniffling. They both separate, allowing Simon, Josh, and Freya a hug as well, then the four take off to find a table for the dinner that would take place soon.

"You okay?" Simon asks Andrea after he jogs up to her side. Andrea grins, grabbing his hand in hers and intertwining their fingers, nodding.

"I can't wait till I'm as happily married as them," she responded, glancing back at the couple of the night for a second. Simon flashes a smile, and places a kiss to her temple before walking with her to find a table for everyone.


They finally found the rest of the Sidemen, seated at a table that was absolutely full with chairs. Neither of the boys came alone, having a girl wrapped around their arm, meaning the circle table was overflowing with fourteen people sat there, everybody's knees touching.

The night was very much enjoyable, especially since they were one of the few lucky groups to receive a special ticket that allowed them free drinks.

So many YouTubers were there- it basically felt like another YouTube event instead of a special occasion. Andrea's stomach flipped as soon as she saw Joe Sugg, who came alone, step into the building with Caspar Lee, who was genuinely a good gentleman. Their eyes scanned the crowd, making Andrea shield her face with her hand, her eyes looking to the side.

"Everything alright, Drea?" Simon whispered to her as he noticed her odd behavior. Andrea looked up at her boyfriend, sighing. She had to tell him eventually, he had to know of the things Joe Sugg did and told her. But for tonight, she was just going to let him enjoy his time and keep it to herself.

"Just... keep me away from Sugg, okay?" she whispered back. Simon's eyebrows furrowed, but he left it alone. He just grasped her hand again, meshing their fingers together. Andrea felt completely safe now, giving his hand a small squeeze.

As the dinner began to fade and the crowd thinned, the music kicked in. Of course, it was the couple's first dance, meaning the song would be slow and meaningful. During this time, Andrea's focus turned to the previous holiday she'd taken with Simon, a dumb smile plastering across her face.

"Simon," Andrea huffed, out of breath from the length of the hike he had taken her on, "can we just go back to the villa?"

As soon as she'd said it, she regretted it. Now her eyes were looking over the whole of Italy, the sun slowly revoking its rays, the lights of the sleepless country brightening.

"This is beautiful," Andrea commented, now her breath taken by the view. "Besides exploring, was there any other reason you brought me up here?" Andrea finally asked, gazing over at Simon as he admired the city they were visiting with her. He met her eyes, nodding.

"I wanted to ask... if you would... do the pleasure of gifting me the happiness that comes along with being your boyfriend again?" he questioned, his stumbling over words highlighting how nervous he was.

"I would love to be your girlfriend again," Andrea replied. He smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips as he wrapped his long arms around her waist. "You're carrying me back down now, right?" Andrea teased as they parted. Simon chuckled, taking her seriously as he gave her a piggyback ride halfway to their villa.

"Earth to Andrea," Freya hissed in her ear. Andrea was shook back to reality, now paying her full attention on David and Liza, their song ending. "You completely spaced, everything okay?"

"Everything's perfect," she answered, happily dazed by the memory that she was previously basking in.

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