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"It isn't that scary," Andrea would shout after she would let out a scream, her body slightly shaking. Simon felt really guilty, especially since his hopes weren't fulfilled.

Andrea was curled into a ball at the opposite end of the couch, while he just comfortably sat with his legs somewhat spread and his left arm laid on top of the back of the couch. He sighed at every jump scare, but chuckled after Andrea's remarks.

The boy felt for the remote, and paused the movie. They were a little more than halfway through, and he knew there were more screams to come. Andrea glanced over at him, asking why he'd stopped it.

"Come here," he said. Andrea's stomach dropped, knowing what he meant. Her mind reminded her that if she went over there to cuddle with him, she was fucked and it was her own doing.

She looked over at the TV that displayed the ominous house, whimpering. Her eyes flicked back to Simon, who didn't shift in his spot at all.

Andrea thought fuck it, then scooted over to him. She placed herself into his side, his arm that was relaxing on the back of the couch now wrapped around her small frame, a gesture that said she was fine and he would protect her from everything he could.

She wasn't as scared this time. She was more creeped out, in fact. When the blood splattered on the bed sheet, she screamed. Which was the only time she had since she'd not been huddled into Simon.

Andrea hadn't noticed, but Simon was staring at her the entire time. Even though he couldn't see her face that well, he still admired her as she watched the screen through the gaps in her hands.

And when the movie ended, he didn't even know until Andrea glanced up at him. He cleared his throat as he had been caught, looking over at the television.

"It's done," Andrea chuckled, sitting up. Simon felt his side grow cold as she separated them, a sad feeling overcoming his body.

She walked over and flicked on the lights, glancing back at Simon. He gave a warm, sideways smile, which she returned.

"So, you're staying the night now, right?" He chuckled, nodding. "Want a snack to go with our Friends marathon?" He nodded again.

They always watched Friends episodes after a scary movie. It helped Andrea sleep. And that's when they would have a better cuddle session. Simon was ready to have their bodies pressed against each other, and not in a sexual way. He missed Andrea and craved to feel her touch every second of the day.

While she grabbed various types of junk, he gathered blankets and pillows. He pulled out her couch and made it into a bed, setting it up with loads of pillows by their heads and loads of blankets she could also cuddle with.

She came back to the living room, a smile upon her face and her eyes watering, memories flooding her brain as she stared at Simon's creation.

Simon, who was smiling at the TV screen as it displayed the description of Friends, looked up to see Andrea, tears spilling onto her cheeks while a smile sat on her face as she gazed at the blankets.

He stood quickly, jumping over the bed, and grabbing the bowls of popcorn and fruit snacks and the glasses of Coke from Andrea. He set the contents down and grabbed Andrea's hand that was hung by her side, wrapping his dangly fingers around her delicate ones.

She glanced up at him, his free hand wiping away her happy tears. "It's okay," he whispered.

She shook her head, informing him she was just overwhelmed with happiness right now. She wasn't sad.

"This just reminds me of our date nights," she says quietly, looking back over at the sea of blankets and pillows.

A smile flickered on Simon's face, his hand squeezing hers. She leaned the side of her head onto his chest, Simon immediately embracing her. Both missed how they used to be and ached to go back to how things were, but neither of them knew how to. They'd been apart for nearly four years, yet things hadn't changed.

Simon, obviously, still loved Andrea.

And Andrea still loved Simon.

But both had a feeling that maybe they just weren't meant to be after all.

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