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It was a week later and Simon remained treating Andrea like a queen. Of course he always treated her respectfully and as kind as he could, but now that she was carrying their son or daughter, he wanted to make life a lot less stressful for her. After all, the baby would feel what she felt and that could cause issues.

"Have you gone in yet?" Simon asks over the phone, glancing at his computer that held a paused game of Fortnite.

"My first appointment is tomorrow, Si," Andrea chuckles. "I told you that."

"Oh, right," he sighs, giving his head a small shake.

"Are you alright, love?" Andrea softly questions, now very worried about him.

"Just haven't been able to sleep very well," he mutters, picking at the loose fabric on his mousepad.

"Want me to come over?" Andrea offers, a smile apparent on her face.

"No, I'll come to you," Simon retorts.

"Si, driving when you're tired is like driving when you're drunk," she argues. "I can drive, it's not like the pregnancy impairs my ability to."

"Are you sure?" he questions. Andrea lets out another giggle.

"Yes, babe." They say their 'see ya soon's, leaving Simon to sit in his chair anxiously. He prayed she'd make it there safe and sound.

And she did. She made her way up quietly to his room, pushing the door open slowly. She also shut it with the same pace, but Simon already knew she was there because of the loud sound her car made when it locked. A pair of hands covered his eyes, blocking the screen in front of him.

"I wonder who it is," he mumbles, not intending to sound so out of it. Andrea removes her hands, Simon's head tilting back. He gives her his best attempt of a smile, which is very small and weak. Andrea sighs, rubbing her thumb gently against his cheek. She presses a kiss to his forehead before pulling him from his chair and settling him on the bed.

She steps over to his wardrobe, grabbing one of his bigger T-shirts. Behind the door of the wardrobe, she changes from her clothes into the shirt, now wearing no pants.

She came back around to face the bed, Simon laying on top of the covers in his boxers. A chuckle escaped Andrea's throat after she flicked off the lights, Simon now watching her intently as she walked over to the computer and shut it down. Now they were both blind, Andrea finding the bed eventually. She crawled over Simon and lay beside him, crawling under the covers. She had to help Simon do the same, his body getting sicker with sleep.

"Sleep well, Si," Andrea whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, then wraps her arms around his torso. He faintly smiles, settling his hands on the small of her back before drifting off into a peaceful sleep filled with wonderful dreams of their future.


Andrea woke up the next morning feeling a bit nauseous. She reluctantly removed herself from Simon's loose grasp and tiptoed out of the room, sprinting to the bathroom furthest from him. She threw up, spewing out curse words after.

"Morning sickness?" Josh questions, applying toothpaste on a toothbrush for her. His sudden appearance made Andrea jump, a hand clutching over her heart.

"Jesus, Josh, don't do that to me," she groans, flushing the toilet and standing up slowly. He chuckles a low sorry and hands her the toothbrush. She cleans her mouth, ridding the disgustingly bitter taste from her tastebuds with harsh strokes.

"Simon finally sleeping?" Josh asks from behind her, his body leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah," Andrea mumbles, spitting out the toothpaste.

"Why'd you run all the way to this bathroom?" Josh asks, removing himself from the doorway so he could allow Andrea to walk wherever she desired while he followed her.

"Didn't want to wake him," she groans, plopping onto the couch in the living room.

"Hungry?" Josh asks, not knowing what else to say. It probably was a stupid thing to ask, as she just threw up, but you never knew with pregnant women.

"Not right now," she mutters.

"Need anything else?" he asks, wanting to go back to sleep but not wanting to be a bad brother.

"Just a blanket and some water," she grumbles.

"I can get you those," he grins, walking off. He snatches a blanket from the linen closet, throwing it over his shoulder as he walks to the kitchen to fill up a tall glass of ice water. He brings the items back to Andrea, settling her in. He even handed her the remote from the table nearest her.

"Thank you, Josh," she mumbles, smiling at him. "Go back to bed." He nods, pecking her forehead before wandering back up to his room.

Andrea laid on the couch for hours, watching anything that came on the TV. She was so bored and so tired, but sleep wasn't coming easily.

She had just shut off the TV when footsteps pitter-pattered toward her. She sat up, a grin placed on her face as soon as her eyes met Simon and his messy hair.

"You left me," he whimpers, falling onto the couch beside her and cuddling into her, closing his eyes as if he was about to fall asleep right then and there.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling well," she replies, kissing the top of his head.

"You feel better now?" he asks. She nods against his head, his smile reappearing. "Good."

"My appointment is in an hour," she sighs. "I need to quickly run back to my house and change."

"Just wear some of my clothes," Simon suggests. "I wouldn't mind."

"That sounds like a great idea," Andrea responds brightly, giving his forehead a peck before carefully moving herself out from under him and walking back up to his room.

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