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The rest of the day was kind of mainstream. Simon and I sat on the couch in the main living area and flicked between cartoons on regular TV and Netflix. Josh joined us after Skyping Freya for a few hours, bringing snacks of his own, which I'd steal some occasionally. It was a great day all in all.

Soon dinner time rolled around, and both parents returned home. My mother came back with loads of bags, most from another shopping splurge of hers. I was very pleased to find she came home with several bottles of expensive wine as well, which I knew I'd be the only one drinking it. Everybody else was more into beers and mixes, including my 'posh' parents.

For dinner we had chicken breast, green beans, and baked potatoes with a glass of some kind of alcohol. Simon joined me in drinking the wine, while Josh and my father held a beer bottle with pride as they said cheers to one another and my mother sipped on her Vodka mix.

"Tomorrow night we'll go out for dinner," my mother informs, as if that's the only reason we came here.

"We really don't have to," I retort as politely as I could. Fancy restaurants increased my anxiety to a whole other level, and the expensive meals were no better than going elsewhere.

"Oh, honey, you think you have a choice," my mother chuckles. I stop chewing my food, clamping my jaws together to create a divide in the green bean that was currently in my mouth. Simon saw my mood change, the gears turning in his head. Yet another thing he knew about me- fancy and I didn't mix. At all. I don't think there was a thing Simon didn't know about me.

♡ skip to tomorrow night (meal time) ♡

I was applying the last bit of my makeup, already dressed up for the family dinner. As I was pinning my hair back in a delicate donut bun, I heard Simon speaking to my father, knowing he was more laid back than my mother.

"I'm not feeling very well, sir," Simon confessed, groaning as he spoke.

"Stomach issues?" my dad asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah," Simon groaned in return.

"You can stay home then if you like," my father replied.

"Thank you, sir." At first I was glaring at Simon. How dare he skip out on a meal. I knew for a fact he wasn't the slightest bit ill. But my mind was changed after Simon slipped into my room, informing me of his plan. I went along with it.

Right before we were about to leave, I told my mother I was going to check on Simon. She nodded, then walked out to the car with my dad.

I sat by Simon's legs, feeling anxious as I knew I had to ask my mom if I could stay back with him since he felt extremely warm, when he really didn't.

"It'll be okay," Simon smiles, grabbing my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Josh came towards us and asked if I was ready to go. I placed the back of my hand on Simon's forehead, retracting quick.

I turn to Josh and exclaim how Simon's temperature had definitely increased. Josh sighs, reluctantly saying he'll tell my parents I was staying home with Simon. I gave my brother a hug and wished him good luck before he left.

Then I turned to Simon and gave him a big, warm hug. He had saved me from an embarrassing night. Or at least, I had thought so.


Two bottles gone. Three hours had passed. Simon and I had conversed the entire time about what happened with us during our 'three year break'.

Right now I was drunkenly dancing to an overplayed Bruno Mars song that came on my Pandora, tragically singing the words to my wasted heart's content. Simon was laughing intensely, hiccuping every now and then.

The song had finally finished, and I retook my seat. I laughed with Simon, bragging how good of a dancer I was.

Soon an Ed Sheeran song came on. I hummed along to the tune of A-Team, smiling to myself with my eyes closed. I swung my upper body back and forth slowly, giggling.

Little did I know, Simon sat beside me, watching me with heart eyes. Even though I had messily removed my bun, had dried mascara running down my cheeks from a combination of how hard I was laughing and something sad Simon had mentioned about how lonely he felt once I left, he still admired how pretty I was.

His heartbeat sped up as he thought of kissing me. The electricity flying from both of our lips as soon as they touched. He imagined so much would happen that night, but he doubted it'd actually come true.

The song ended. I opened my eyes and stared at Simon. He was glancing down at his lap, fiddling with his thumbs.

I placed the side of my pointer finger under his chin and lifted his face, his eyes connecting with mine. A feeling overcame my body, and I found myself placing my soft lips on his.

I grabbed the sides his face, helping me balance myself as I settled myself on his lap. We broke apart for a split second, my body hungry. I lifted off his shirt, tossing it aside.

"Lets go to our bedroom, yeah?" he commented. I nodded, running both of us to a more private place.

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