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She was only three weeks along, the news kind of upsetting her. She hoped to be six weeks at the least, but now this meant they'd have to wait longer for the baby.

Simon, however, was beyond gassed. He was so excited to see the baby, wanting to go shopping for him or her right away.

"Si, we don't know the gender," Andrea giggled as they got back in her car.

"That doesn't matter," he groans.

"We don't even live together," Andrea chuckles, resting her head back on the headrest.

"Move in with us," Simon blurts.

"I can't leave Freya alone," she pouts.

"Freya can move in as well," he responds. "Please, Drea."

"I don't know, Si," Andrea sighs.

"There's so many reasons as to why you should move in," he bellows, pulling out of the parking lot of the clinic.

"Oh yeah? List them then."

"Um, well, for one, we're dating," he says, focusing on the road.

"Wow, great reason," Andrea teases with a laugh.

"Also, we're about to have a baby soon," he adds.

"That's, like, nine months away," Andrea laughs again.

"I can only get a good night's rest when you're in the bed beside me."

"Okay, that's actually relevant," she replies.

"And us having a baby isn't?" he questions.

"Well, we would have another, like, eight months until we would have to make that decision," Andrea responds. "But right now, you need to catch up on sleep."

"So, you'll move in with us?" Simon questions, getting excited all over again.

"If you can tell me another reason, I'll move in tomorrow," Andrea chuckles.

"I love you and you love me," Simon responds, glancing at her to show off his smirk.

"The second part is questionable," she teases. Simon rolls his eyes, turning his focus back on the road. "But I'll allow it. I'll talk to Frey once we get back to yours."

"Ours," Simon corrects, turning to look at her again with a smirk.

"You're gonna kill us if you keep staring at me and not the road," Andrea giggles, pushing her hand on the side of his head so he was now facing where he needed to.

♡ a couple days later ♡

"Don't you dare touch that box," Simon shouts, his feet pounding back into the apartment. Andrea lets out an angry sigh.

"Si, I wanna help," she groans.

"You can't lift heavy things," he responds, kissing her forehead before carrying the box back out to his car. Andrea let out a huff, falling back onto the couch. Josh soon came back in, grinning from ear to ear. But he frowned when he saw how upset Andrea looked.

"What's wrong?" he questions, sitting beside her.

"I wanna help," she grumbles, "but Simon won't let me."

"You really aren't meant to be lifting stuff," Josh replies.

"So I've been told," she grunts, turning her head to the side.

"Well, we're almost done loading the cars. You and Freya could head over to the house and unlock it while Simon and I finish up here," Josh suggests. Andrea puckers her lips, twisting them to the side of her face as she pondered on the idea.

"Sure," she sighs.


"So, am I the maid now?" Andrea teasingly questions with a bright smile as she watches Simon cook them dinner, sat on the counter with her feet swinging back and forth.

"No, babe," Simon chuckles. "We all do our share."

"Doesn't seem like it," she teases once more as she scans her eyes over the kitchen, playfully pulling a face contorted with disgust.

"You're so funny," Simon sarcastically retorts, stirring the meat around in the pan. Andrea smirks, grabbing his wrist and pulling him over to her.

"When are you gonna dye your hair black?" Andrea asks, running her hands through his hair gently.

"The meat is burning," Simon says, moving away from Andrea and back to the pan.

"You can't avoid my question," Andrea chuckles, jumping off the counter. She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her cheek on his back. "I think you'd look hot with black hair."

"I'll think about it, Drea," he chuckles.

"That usually means no," Andrea groans, letting go of Simon and moving to stand at his side.

"Not all the time," Simon responds, turning to give her forehead a soft peck, then giving their food his full attention. Andrea huffs, stepping out of the kitchen and into the lounge.

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