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a/n: the song is obviously longer than the chapter but this is one of the songs i listen to when writing and i felt like sharing that with you guys soooo

Andrea's phone rang, the ID displaying a name she didn't see often. Her eyebrows furrowed, but she answered the call anyway.

"You win," the voice whimpers. This sent a whole wave of confusion through Andrea.

"I win?" she questioned. The person scoffed, and Andrea knew she was rolling her eyes.

"You win Simon. He obviously still loves you, and I just can't compete. So congrats. I hope you two live happily ever after." The line cut before Andrea could speak.

With an anxious stomach, she quickly typed out a message to the girl.

just now

Andrea: i didn't "win" simon. we're not competing over a human being. what are you on about?

Joanna: oh, just stop already. this
is pathetic.

Joanna: i've loved simon ever since i can remember. i thought he was finally falling for me too, but then you jumped in the picture.
he couldn't keep his bloody eyes off you.

Joanna: just know that what i'm about to do
is your fault. once again, congrats.

Andrea: don't do anything stupid. he's just a boy, you can find someone who loves you as much as you love them. you deserve that.

Andrea: joanna?


Andrea's breathing continued in a panicked fashion. She could feel her chest caving in as blood dripped from her fingers. She whimpered as she stared at the lifeless body in front of her, a defeated sob escaping her.

The door to the girl's apartment flung open, footsteps barreling toward the bathroom.

"No," the voice of the person muttered. "No!" he screamed, falling to his knees. Andrea let out a few more tears before turning and crawling toward Simon. She pulled him into her arms, allowing him to sob into her chest.

"Did you call the police?" she questioned softly. He nodded, crying harder.

"Th-thank you for c-calling me," Simon stuttered. He opened his eyes, looking over at his childhood friend. He examined the shirt that was wound tightly around her body, an attempt to stop the bleeding from her side. His body began to shake, Andrea growing worried about him. "She didn't deserve this," he whispered.

"I know," Andrea replied. She kissed the top of his head, cuddling him tighter.

"I'm so stupid," he sobbed, squeezing Andrea.

"No you're not," she retorted.

"I should've been there to stop her. She should still be here with us." Andrea's heart broke as she felt immensely guilty. She was going to show Simon the messages between her and Joanna, but she couldn't because now she realized Simon would hate her, for Joanna committing suicide was Andrea's fault.

"You should've never asked me out," Andrea whispered. Simon stopped his painful sobs, sitting up.

"What?" he squeaked. Andrea didn't have time to explain, loud footsteps pounding into the flat.

"Police!" a strong voice called out. Andrea pulled Simon out with her, setting him on the couch as she went with the police to explain the situation the best she could.

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