Fast Forward A Bit

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Fast Forward A Bit 

Chapter 85

Maui's POV

Time Skip... Three months later...

   Mo and I have been working our asses off between our work study jobs during academic weeks and at our other jobs during long weekends and holiday breaks like Thanksgiving to scrape as much money together as possible for the wedding and its expenses. So far we've raked up two thousand dollars for it which is a wonderful start. We're halfway there. With another two to three months of following this work grind, we should have most if not all of the money together. We're really giving it our all and I'm proud of us already. 

  Anyways, I'll fill you in on recent events that won't bore you to sleep because talking about all the homework and studying I have to do will. Mo and I have had a few really nice dates pretty recently. We went ice skating together, hiking, city adventures, and more. Of course we each other for meals and in between classes just about daily. When we can't see each other, we have texting wars and call each other at night to hear one another's voices. We're two dorky lovebirds who are doing everything in our power to get to our wedding day in tact. 

  The whole university knows that Mo and I are engaged to be married and for the most part, everyone is happy for us. We get a few harsh whispers and looks, but the positive reactions outweigh the negative by far. *The start of a flashback* Coach approached a couple weeks ago in the dining hall of all places with an envelope with my name on it. I was just sitting there by myself with my supper waiting for Jack, Flynn, and Kristoff to join me when he came by. I smiled at him but was also really confused as to what he was giving me. "Coach, what is this?" He grins at me. "Open it." I do as he says and open the envelope. There's a really nice card in it, though as I open the card and read the kind message in it, a bunch of hundred dollar bills come falling out of it. My jaw drops to the floor as I count that it's seven hundred dollars. 

   Tears well up in my eyes. "Coach, I don't deserve this." He puts a hand on my shoulder and rubs it gently. "Oh but you do. Not only are you the best player on the team and an amazing captain, but I've become quite fond of you over the past year and a half. You're like a long lost son. Plus that girl that you're planning on marrying is so special. I know this money won't cover all of your wedding expenses, but it will cover a percentage of it." A tear slips out of my eye. "Coach, I don't know what to say. This is so kind of you. Are you sure?" Coach pulls me into the tightest hug he's ever given me. "I'm sure. I'm just glad you're one step closer now to that dream wedding. I wish nothing but the best for the both of you. You two deserve the world." At that point I burst into tears, sobbing into the crook of coach's neck in the most unmanly way ever. Thank the heavens the rest of the guys didn't see this amazing yet embarrassing moment. I never would have been able to live it down. *End of flashback* 

   At this current moment of time, Mo and I are having a study date to work on homework together. We try to have a study date at least once a week. It makes doing homework and studying a little less boring when you're in the company of someone whom you enjoy being around. Believe it or not, we tend to get our work done faster when we're around each other versus when we're not. The presence of one another gives us a bit of motivation to get done quicker so we can have a little down time to spend with one another before going to bed for the night. 

Five hours later...

   We finally get done with all of the homework and studying we have to do for the night. I glance at the clock on Mo's bed stand and see that it's already twelve thirty at night/in the morning. Geez I don't know where the time goes. Next to me on her bed, Mo yawns and looks like sleep is about to overtake her. I chuckle and wrap my arms around her. "Aw is the princess tired?" She playfully swats me while yawning again. "Shut up Maui. You know you're tired too." Just like that, a yawn slips out of my mouth too, causing Mo to smirk at me. "Told ya so." "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, you can go freshen up, shower, etc. I don't mind waiting for you to come back." She nods and grabs some shower supplies with promises to be back soon.

Twenty minutes later... 

  Mo's back dressed, freshened up, and squeaky clean. I smirk at her. "You look just as good with clothes on as you would without." She blushes and squeaks like an adorable chipmunk. "Maui! What's overcome you?" I blush and chuckle nervously. "Gee, I don't know. I'll blame my lack of sleep. Speaking of sleep, I should probably get to bed myself." Mo looks away sheepishly while fiddling with her hair. "Yeah you probably should." I lift her up into my arms, spin her around slowly, and plant a loving kiss on her lips before putting her back down. Then, we share a loving hug and one last kiss before I have to force myself to walk out the door and not throw myself at her anymore tonight. After all, tomorrow's a new day with more time to pursue romantic endeavors with the love of my life. Gah I can't wait until we're married. It's nearly all I think about these days.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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