15. Beanie

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"You should already appreciate that I decided to come to the party with you." Anthony said, looking away.

"Please?" I pouted and he looked up at me and shook his head. "Ugh, you're annoying." I whined and grabbed his beanie and put it on my head.

"Hey!" He snatched it back quickly and placed it on his head, causing me to giggle. "Don't do that again, my hair is messy today." He gave me a warning look just like I was his little daughter.

And just because he told me not to do it again, I did it. But this time, I ran away with it and let him chase me. It was easier than I thought for him to catch me and take the beanie from my hand and put it on his head again. I was dying of laughter and he was just looking at me with angry eyes. It was so amusing.

Because of how much I was laughing, he started to smile little by little then giggled a little and shook his head.

"Laughing?" He asked an obvious question and I couldn't respond from how much I was laughing so I nodded. He chuckled again and shook his head. "If you were one of my boy friends I would have punched you in the face." He said.

"But I'm not your boy friend." I said with a small smile on my lips, trying to recover from all the laughter.

He nodded and pushed my hair behind my ears. "You're my girl friend."

I didn't know if he meant girlfriend or girl friend but I couldn't control my blush, thinking about the first and all of sudden, I felt uncomfortable. I bit my lip and looked away. I was nervous and didn't know what to do or what to say.

I never had a boyfriend before. I was raised that the boy I fall in love with is the one that I will marry and I never saw Anthony that way. At least that's what I thought.

All I know is that I'm happy around him, he makes me happy and makes me laugh. He makes me feel comfortable and...I just love his company and enjoy it. That's it. That's all I know. I never thought about it any other way.

I recovered fast and was able to hide what I was feeling and somehow I was able to keep the night fun. And he drove me home.

And I was left with questions that I didn't find any answers for. And even refused to think that I will ever marry Anthony or not. I see this as a friendship and even if it's not, I didn't want to see it any other way.

Maybe just like Rita said, I'm scared to let anyone in because I'm scared to get attached to anyone. And that's how I am and I can't change it.

I sighed and laid in bed, closed eyes. What did I get myself into? This is too much more thinking than my brain could handle.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Rita's number. And to my luck she didn't answer. Obviously she's asleep since it was passed midnight and I couldn't sleep.

Just when I was about to let my phone down and get some sleep, Anthony's name popped on my screen.

I sighed and let out a breathe before answering and pressing the phone to my ear.

"I thought you'd be sleeping." He said. I could hear how tired he was from how low and deep his voice was. It was so adorable to hear and it automatically bought a smile on my face.

"Why did you call then?" I teased.

"I said I'd give it a try." He said. "And I'm glad I did."

I smiled. Our conversation was so random and little by little my eyes because heavy to keep open.

The next morning, I got up with the phone still in my hand. I chuckled at yesterday's memory and got up to get ready for class. I was too tired and lazy to move but knowing that Anthony will come drive me to class gave me a little motivation to get ready.

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