30. Veracity

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The whole morning went good but it was Monday. Monday is the day that needs to get banished from the week. I hate it for some reasons. Monday is a struggle for so many people, me included.

I blocked yesterday's memory as much as I could because I really didn't want to remember how badly I was treated even when I tried to use Anthony's excuses, I didn't find any ways to forgive it so I decided to forget, or at least try to.

I went to class, not expecting to hear from Anthony like he told me even though I still went and checked to make sure I don't run by him like the last time. Maybe I wanted to make sure that he wasn't talking to the girl that I always find him talking to and thankful  he wasn't. I walked home, ignoring the annoying rain that only appear when I'm walking and fastened my steps to Rita's house because she was going to drive me to the magazine so I could drove the article I wrote down. Yesterday, I revised it very well and made sure to change the facile words to difficult ones to seem that my article is enriched. And Rita was ready, waiting for me in the car with a cup of coffee since I texted her that I didn't get coffee this morning for waking up late.

"Thank you." I smiled and took the first sip. It was a little colder than I liked to have it but I chose to not mention it to not hear her yelling about me being late. I drank it in silence and to be honest, I ended up liking it cold even if I used to refuse it before. It wasn't that bad.

"You really need to start taking courses to have your licences." She said as she made a turn with the car.

"Is that your way of telling me that you don't want to drive me anywhere else?" I smirked and took another sip. She gave me a fast annoyed look before bitting her lip in fake anger and turned her head back on the road. I giggled. "By the way, I already took my classes before my parents's.... before they were gone. My dad payed for all of them but they...left before the exam so I didn't go."

"So you only need to do the two exams?" She asked.

"I need to pass the two tests, the knowledge one and the driving one to have my learner permit." I explained. "Your right I should do it soon."

I need to actually save for not only the car but also the exams. I get well paid in the restaurant but not paid enough to have a car any time soon even if I start saving now.

I arrived at the magazine and smiled as I walked in. All of sudden, it hit me. I will be a employee here in a few months, or years, I don't really care. All I care about is that my fear of finding a job in my domain that I didn't really suffer, as I thought I would, to find is now gone.

I walked up to Mister Jones's office and knocked on the door.

"Get in." He yelled behind the door. I sighed to relieve myself just a little bit more then walked in. He was on the phone so he put his index up to sign me to wait, I nodded. He waved with his hand for me to sit down then I did. "Yeah, of course." He said as he took notes down. "That's great." He raised his eyebrows. "Awesome, thank you. Bye." He hung up then turned to me with a smile. "So is your article ready?"

"Yes. I just am not very sure if that's exactly what you expected or not." I handed him the file with my papers in it.

"I will read it and contact you." He smiled at me. "So, what would you like to drink?"

"No, no, nothing at all. I have to leave anyways." I got up.


"I have so much stuff to do for my college courses." I smiled.

I shook his hand and made myself out. When I went back down to Rita, she asked me how it went and I explained exactly what happened. Since it passed way faster than the both us thought it would, I decided, actually Rita decided for me without even taking my opinion, to spend the rest of the day with her until Anthony appears again.

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