60. Drunk

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It felt weird when I woke up and didn't find any missed calls from Rita or Noah. I got up and started to get ready to leave. Noah told me that he will pick me up at 12:00 AM and it was 10:00 AM.

I got a quick breakfast and made sandwiches for the trip. I knew that going there will be the longest trip I will have in my entire life. After what happened yesterday, I felt excited to leave the country and if this trip will take me away from this whole annoying feelings I have then so be it. Someone knocked on the door right when I walked in the room to get dressed so I went back out to open the door. It was Rita. She looked at me with a sad puppy face and jumped into my arms.

"I'm not used to not seeing you for one day. How will I keep up with not seeing you for a whole month?" Pouted Rita. I smiled and tapped her shoulder.

"I'll be back sooner than you know." I responded. "I thought you weren't going to come."

"What? How? Of course, I have to hug my best friend before she leaves me for a whole month." She gave me dirty look. "Plus, I called you so many times to make sure you didn't leave yet but you weren't answering which is how I knew that you were still sleeping so I decided to just come."

"You didn't call me." I looked at the phone in my hand.

"Yes, I did." She crossed her arms. Something with this phone is being strange. "Anyways, when are you leaving?" She asked.

"Noah is picking me up in a few." I let the strange phone down and got up to make us coffee. When I finished, right when I was about to sit down with Rita to drink it, someone knocked on the door again. I groaned then got up to open. It was Noah.

"Hey babe, are you ready?" His smile was handsome but I never saw it the way any other girl would.

"Yeah, just let me go get my bags. Make yourself at home." I said then walked into the room. I heard small mumbles of their conversation outside but I didn't care to know. I got my bags and suitcases to leave right away to New York then walked out with my hands holding and dragging too many things. I groaned when I finally made it out. Their conversation stopped and their heads turned to me.

"I'll get them in the car." Noah smiled at me then grabbed my suitcases to put them in his car.

Rita kept her eyes on him until he walked out of the door then turned to me. "Are you really sane enough to decide to spend time with this freak alone?" She asked me.

"We won't be alone." I giggled, looking around, making sure I'm not forgetting something.

"Yes you will, you don't know anybody else than him. You told me that the close friends of Anthony are not going because he isn't so why are you?" She argued.

"I'm going only because he isn't there. If he was I wouldn't have." I explained then put my phone in my pocket to pick up the two small bags I'm taking.

"You're really insane. Noah is so not better than Anthony." She said but I gave her a warning look she stopped talking.

"Just stop comparing him to everyone. I'm happy with him. Anyways, Anthony is back to Lindsay so he isn't waiting for me anymore." There was a sad tone in my voice but I forced it down. "I'm happy with Noah anyways." I explained.

After a few minutes and after I hugged the mad Rita goodbye and got in the car, we finally made our way to the cabin. I knew that I will have a good time, or at least I wished to have a small time to have fun to get the stress of traveling to New York and doing the interview and everything to the back of my head.

Noah had the radio on and kept humming to the songs played which slowly drowned me to sleep. I was thankful too and anyways, I was trying to avoid having along time with Noah until we get there. Just so it wouldn't be awkward and we would actually know how to have fun.

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