18. Happy

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I groaned when I felt my body shaking and wanted to get up and slap whoever is waking me up.

"Bella, wake the hell up!" Rita yelled just when I was about to fall back asleep. I needed sleep, yesterday wasn't easy for me to deal with and sleeping was —

I opened my eyes alarmed at where I was and how I ended up here. I realized that I was at Rita's house. I blinked. Last night I remember is being in the car with Anthony before falling asleep.

"Are you going to stay surprised for longer? You fell asleep in his car and brought you here. Yes, okay lovebirds, he picked you up, ha ha yeah, smile and be happy." She said in one breathe. "Now get up cause we're so late to work."

"What time is it?" I jumped off the bed and searched for my phone.

"Right here." She yelled from behind me, causing me to jump in place. I turned and took my phone from her. "It's ten."

I ran to the bathroom to wash my face but my reflection made me even more paralyzed. I had mascara all over my face and my hair was messier than a bird's nest. I groaned and opened the water and tried to wipe it off but it was only getting worse.

Rita opened the door and thew a bag of wipes at me that fell from my hands easily and shook her head. "You'll get me crazy! Hurry!"

I took one and took all my makeup off and put my hair in a bun then we both finally left. I regret being in the car with Rita when she's rushing. We almost died serval times and I almost shit myself.

When we arrived, her mother gave her a disappointed look but Rita took the blame for me because if it was on me, I'd have been in trouble.

"Thank you." I told her when we walked away from her mother.

"That's what friends are for." She hit my arm. "But after what happened yesterday and today morning, I don't want to know you anymore."

I giggled and shook my head. Apparently, Anthony bought me to Rita's house and picked me up. I wish I was awake. I wonder if he was angry that I fell asleep in his car. But again, if he was he would have woke me up.

Work was hard today. There are so many people coming in and out and Rita and I weren't enough to cover everyone. We were basically running like bees left and right to be able to get everyone's orders. That's what a restaurant looks like on Saturdays.

"Hey, how may I help you?" I smiled at the family that just walked in and took the empty table.

"Bella," Rita called me.

"Hm?" I hummed and turned around to face her.

"Table 4. Go see what they want." She told me, switched our order plackets together.

"I have a table in my hands to do!" I muttered between my teeth.

"Just go." She told me. "Hey, I will be your waitress for tonight." She smiled at them, waiting to take their orders.

I frowned, confused but walked to table 4 still. A man's back was facing me as I walked to the table. He was wearing a beanie that hid the back of his head but even though, I could tell that he wasn't so aged.

"Hey, I will be your waitress tonight. What would you—" as soon as I looked up, I was faced with Anthony's eyes. I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." He shrugged. I shook my head. I couldn't hide the smile that grew more and more on my lips. "I bought you food. I know you don't like the food here." He said, grabbing the white plastic bag on the table and handing it to me. I took it and placed it back on the table.

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