21. What

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"Here." I smiled and handed him the notebook. "Thank you very much. It was a huge help for me because that day, I really didn't take any notes." I explained to Dylan.

Surprisingly, we both found out that he wasn't just in one of my classes, he was with me in three out of four of my classes. I was a little happy because finally, I have a friend in college that isn't Anthony. I was little by little building myself here in this country and little by little knowing people and meeting people. It takes time to rebuild a life, of course, but it's never possible to restart. A fresh start is always good and I was so grateful to have this opportunity.

"No need." He shrugged and took it. "Next time, make sure you don't text your boyfriend in class and takes notes." He said and pushed his glasses closer to his face if it was even possible.

"He's...not my boyfriend." I shook my head. He's not my boyfriend, yes but do I want him to be? No. I spent so much of a good time with Anthony and that made me realize that he's better as a friend.

I know I keep telling myself that he's just a friend until my eyes meet his and his breath hit my face but I know that it is for the best. I can't have a relationship right now and even if I do, Anthony Adams isn't the one for me.

"You were texting him the whole class. How is he not?" He asked, more of an argument to prove his point. And he was definitely right. How am I so close to someone and hang out with every day and spend my whole day texting him than pretend he's just a friend?

"It's...not like that. Trust me." I giggled. "He's not my boyfriend." I nodded.

"Alright then." He gave up. "It's good anyways. Dating The Adams isn't something someone like you would want." I looked at him surprised.

"Why would you say that?"

"Just figured that you two don't match at all."

"You know Anthony?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Who doesn't?" He took a step to the door and I followed him. We walked together and I was just following his steps. All I was focused on was what he was saying. "Anthony Adams. The second kid of the biggest businesswoman in town if not in the country, Elizabeth Adams."

"He has a brother?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking you about him. Not the other way around!" He teased.

"Dylan, I'm really not as close to him as you think I am." I shook my head.

"Maybe that's why he's hooked up on you." He opened the door for me and stepped outside. As much as it was cold, as much as hearing things I didn't know about Anthony mattered more.

"What do you mean?"

"You're new here and you know nothing about his life and you don't know anyone that knows." He said. "It's a little hard to get close to him if you know his story."

"Tell me."

"I think he should be the one telling you." He said.

"Dylan! You have to tell me." I insisted. I somehow felt like this was the secret that I was looking for and I was in no way going to keep begging for Anthony to tell me if I have someone else to just give it away.

"He wouldn't be so happy if you knew." He giggled.

"He wouldn't know you did!"

He looked around, debating on whether he should tell me or not. He huffed and pushed his hands in his pockets.

"Anthony Adams is a part of The Adams, the family who owns The Adams paper company. They are one of the most rich families in Seattle. Apparently, out of nowhere Anthony's father died and Anthony's mother moved out somewhere else, I'm not sure where exactly, with his brother because for some reasons, Anthony refused to go live with them." He said. I was more shocked than mad at Anthony now. "His mother opened a branch here after she opened one where she lives right now but she directs it from far and comes here only to visit just to make sure that everything is going good." He finished and that was enough for me to know.

"So...Anthony's dad is dead!" I surprisedly said.

"Yeah...apparently. Some people say his wife killed him and some people say he died normally but no one knows the truth." Okay, now I'm more shocked than I was, thinking I couldn't be any more shocked. "After all, Seattle's favourite hobby is inventing rumours."

"Bella." Rita yelled from behind, followed by a honk of her car. I shut my eyes and sighed.

"Thank you...so much, Dylan." I nodded. "It really means a lot to know all of this."

"One advice though," he held my arm before I could walk away. "Try to wait until he tells you everything without telling him that you know. It will be better that way." He nodded as well as me then I turned to leave.

In the car, I didn't have the mind to think about anything other than what Dylan told me. What he told me wasn't easy to believe. All that is hidden behind a happy popular boy with nothing but party blood? It's a little hard to believe. Anthony went through a lot, based on what Dylan said and it makes me so sad thinking about how he must feel. Maybe it happened a long time ago but even though, nobody could tell.

"Are you sure you're good, Bella?" Rita asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. I decided to turn the table and actually be happy. Anthony went through all of this and still has the strength to stand still, smile and laugh and have a good life. He has the strongest to hide everything from everyone and continue his life. Maybe he's doing that because he doesn't like being sad.

Now I don't know if I should be mad or happy when I see Anthony. I need to hear all of this from him so I decided to not say anything at all until he opens up to me. I won't force him at least but deep down, I was dying for the moment he tells me so I could be there for him. That will for sure bring us closer and somehow, I was excited to be by his side while he needs me.

I debated on whether to tell Rita or not but finally decided not to. I will when Anthony tells me just because I don't know the full truth and just like Dylan said, rumours are everywhere so I have no proof of what he was saying. I won't believe anything until Anthony explains it to me.

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