39. Text

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The way he was treating me like a property of his made me a little bit mad but I refused to show it to him. He was already frustrated and I didn't want to add onto it, at least not today. I was already exhausted.

"I need to go to the magazine in the morning so you can go to your classes and I will meet you in college." I said, coldly, trying to at least show that I wasn't happy about the way he was talking to me and I wasn't going to let it go. He stayed silent and I know he heard me. I rolled my eyes in the darkness of the night and looked out the window the few minutes missing till he pulled up in front of my building. When he did, I didn't lose any time before opening the car and leaving, I heard him mumble a small "good night" that I responded with by slamming the car door and walking to the building. We were both angry at each other and it was completely fine with me. Not that we're not talking. But I know damn well that we will be fine by tomorrow.

I walked up and sat down to finish the article I wrote and reread it when I was done. I sighed and put my wavy hair in a bun before giving the article the last touches and going to sleep. It was already late enough for me and I have to wake up really early to pass by Clifford. When I decided that it was enough for me to write because my eyes were too heavy to keep open, my phone made a small ding and light up next to me on the desk. I blinked and looked at it.

From: Anthony
"Are you still awake?"

It was a text from Anthony and I sighed. I wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about what happened or not. This was the first situation I get with Anthony of that type and it was really strange.

I texted back, which took way longer than I thought to type down only one word since I kept looking for the letters.


I clicked the small blue arrow and it delivered right away. He didn't answer so I let my phone down to get up by my phone started ringing. It was him. I picked up and said nothing.

"Hey." He said with his sleepy, deep and soft tone.

"Hey." I responded as I closed the room lights and jumped in bed.

We started a conversation that had nothing at all to do with what happened today. He only asked me about my internship and how I'm doing it from home. I explained everything and he was surprised when I told him that I don't have a laptop and last time I did it in the library in college and this time, I will send it to Rita to do it for me then she will come with it the morning and we'll do together to the magazine.

"I thought I was going to drive you."

"I mean, you can come along if you want. I have to see her anyways cause she will type it out for me." I explained.

"What if I bring you my old laptop to take?" He suggested.

"No, I'm not taking any more expensive gifts from you." I refused right away.

"First of all, you had one and for a person like me, it is really not expensive at all—"

"Yes, it is." I interrupted him but he picked up when I finished my comment.

"Second of all, it is my old laptop so anyways I'm not using it and I'm not paying anything extra because I already have a new one." He added. "Third of all, it's not a gift. I will give it to you until you buy a new one."

"No, Anthony. I want to have my own things." I refused as I thought about it. He was really good with arguments and I wasn't.

"Fine, I have another idea. Take it and as soon as you get its money, give it to me."

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