64. Home

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Right when I felt that the sun rising up and I was able to take any transportation to be back home, I got up and left his apartment. I knew he would be sleeping when I left but I also wanted him to be. I didn't want to see him because I knew that he would try to keep me and I didn't want to change my mind of what I had planned to do.

I was anxious as I took the transportation alone this early. The bus had basically no one in it but that wasn't enough for me to change my mind. I am a stubborn person and whatever I plan to do I will do unless he is involved. But that's not the point. I knew that I needed to be home to feel comfortable. I kept my eyes locked on the sky and wished for any superior help to get through all these dilemmas I caused myself. I tried to find any goals and put my finger exactly on what I want but I couldn't. I don't know what I want. All I knew was that I'm in too deep with Anthony and Noah's issues. They both have problems that aren't involved with me but somehow, I got involved. Noah wants to take revenge on Anthony and apparently, I was his weakness which automatically made me Noah's target.

I felt safe when I arrived at my apartment. The apartment felt cold because of my absence for the past two days. I promptly walked to the bathroom to take a shower. The hot water was relaxing my muscles and calming my body. When I finished, I got dressed and walked out. I dried my hair and walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I didn't find anything made in the fridge and I was too lazy to do anything so I grabbed an apple and sat on my couch. I grabbed my phone to call Rita and tell her that I didn't leave but I found two missed calls from Dylan. I frowned and took a bite of my green apple. I called him back. He answered right away.

"Bella, sorry if I'm interrupting whatever you are doing but I have a great great news for you." He said everything in just one breath. Even if I was in a bad mood, he was able to make me smile.

"What is it?"

"My book is published." He excitedly said and I gasped.

"Congratulations," I yelled. "I'm, for sure, getting out to buy it now."

"I don't think you'll find it in New York right now." He teased which reminded me that he doesn't know that I didn't leave.

"I am in Seattle." I finally told him.

"You're back already?"

"I didn't even go."

The line went silent and I gulped, scared of any questions that he was going to ask. I wasn't ready to explain what happened or why I didn't go.

"Oh, okay." He just said. I was surprised that he didn't ask anything but I was very happy he didn't want to know anything about it. The conversation ended after he told me that I don't need to get out to buy the book, he will pass by sometimes and give me a free copy. I thanked him and hung up. Then I called Rita. She took time to answer but she did.

"You arrived yet?" She asked. I sighed from having to explain the same damn story to ten thousand people. I still feel like nothing of what happened actually happened and I will go to New York soon. It feels like a dream. A nightmare. I never thought Noah would do that.

"I'm home. Come over."

When I ended the conversation with her, I felt the effect of the silence. There are different types of silences. There is the silence that follows a cacophony, the silence of the night before you fall asleep, the silence that follows a call of a person you never wanted to hang up with, and then there is this silence. The silence that surrounds you after a long day of pain and cry, the silence that should comfort you and calm you and make you fall asleep but I can't. I can't calm down and I can't do anything.


"Rose," I called but there was no answer. I frowned and looked in the room, in the kitchen, knocked on the bathroom door and opened it when she didn't answer me. Perhaps she went to buy something. I grabbed my phone and called her but she also didn't answer. I sent her a text asking her where she was, slid the phone back into my pocket then got dressed to go get her her stuff from Noah. He is supposedly getting back by today.

In the car, I promised myself that I will contain my anger inside of me as much as I could and will not hurt him. I promised Rose. When I arrived at his house, his car was parked outside. Already being here gives me a huge push to burst the door open and punch him in the face. I sighed, calming myself then knocked on the door.

I should have tried to open the car, maybe it's already opened and I don't have to meet his pretty face that, I'm pretty sure, will annoy me for the rest of the day. I knocked one more time. If he doesn't open this time, I'm leaving.

I looked back at his car, shoved my hands in my pockets and turned to leave but heard the door open. I looked back to find him, standing there, half asleep. Of course, after all the drinking he had, he must want to sleep for a month.

For some unknown and incompressible reasons, he smirked when he realized it was me.

"Where is Bella's stuff?" I harshly asked him. I really wanted to beat him up. Just seeing his face reminds me of the day that I had to drive for two hours to get her as she waited for her in the rain, scared of him. She was the reason why he wasn't under me yet.

"I'm highly surprised of your presence here." I can perfectly tell how he was pleased with me standing there and not doing anything to him. I formed my hands into fits and clenched my teeth. I'm not very patient, to say the least, and heaving him test me is the last thing I need when I'm trying to get out of here while he can still stand on his two feet.

"Noah, don't mess with me right now. Where are her bags?" I wasn't doubting his amusement to see me leave here without hurting him but that was the last thing I needed to think about.

"In my car." He finally spoke.

"The keys." I opened my palm for him to give me the keys. He stood still for a few seconds then turned and walked inside. He came back right away and handed me the keys. I walked to his car, opened it and grabbed her stuff, handed him the keys and turned to leave.

"Wait," he called me back, stopping me. Then, he handed me a SIM card, which made me remember her telling me that he was the reason why she didn't go to New York. I don't know if I should hit him or thank him for this one part. I took it from him and left right away. It took me probably ten minutes to be back in the car, driving away from his house.

Knowing that she won't answer me, I called Rita. She answered right away.

"Where is Rose?" I asked without any introductions.

"She's home. I'm on my way to her house right now." She said.

"Alright great, don't tell her I'm coming," I told her.

"Did you guys fight or something?" She asked but I ignored her question by telling her that I need to go because I was driving.

It didn't take me a lot of time to get there. Rita's car was already there. I got out, grabbed the suitcases and walked to her building. When I was in front of her apartment, I heard talking inside. I knew it was Rita and Rose talking. I softly knocked and stepped a little back, shoving my hands in my pockets and bowed my head, waiting for someone to open the door.

When the door opened, she was revealed behind it. I softly smiled even if I knew that she is mad at me. I cleared my throat when she didn't smile back. She crossed her arms, ready to attack.

"What are you doing here?" She harshly asked.

"I brought your suitcases," I said in the same tone she used. She looked up at me, her harsh look softened a little but I can tell that it will just a little more effort for her to forgive me.

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