Signing Papers

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Gandalf began speaking of how the group needed a burglar all the whilst sending Bilbo glances, unfortunately sweet, innocent, little Bilbo did not pick up on this.

"That's why we need a burglar," Ori said excitedly looking straight at Bilbo.

"Hmm, a good one to," Bilbo said looking down at the map, "An expert I'd imagine."

"And are you?" A voice spoke up. Bilbo looked up and being precious as he is, he looked behind him seeing if anyone was there.

"Am I what?" He asked blatantly not getting the drift.

"He said he's an expert," Oin said happily whilst Fili looked at Ori like the idiot he was. Bilbo finally caught on.

"Me, no no no I- I'm not a burglar," he said with finality, "I've never stolen a thing in my life," he obviously thought that this was the right thing to say.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr Baggins," Balin said, again dampening the situation at hand. "He's hardly burglar material," Balin continued. Even though what Balin just said should have been a bad thing Bilbo smiled and agreed with the Dwarf, it was evident that he did not want to go on this journey, if only the company wanted the girls like they wanted Bilbo.

"Aye, the wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves," Dwalin said to Thorin, Rosie caught Thorin's eyes flicker to the girls who stood on his left. Cece let out a giggle at the happy faces Bilbo was making as the dwarves basically told him he was weak, she also found how Bifur was angrily making hand gestures at no one particularly amusing. However, it was not amusing when Gandalf angrily stood up, once again towering over everyone in the room.

"Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is burglar, then a burglar he is. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet, in fact, they can pass unseen by most if they choose, and while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a hobbit is all but unknown to him which gives us a distinct advantage." He then turned to Thorin, "You asked me to find the fourteenth member of this company, and I have chosen mister Baggins, there's a lot more to him than his appearance suggests and he's got a great deal more to offer than any of you know, including himself," He leant in close to Thorin, "You must trust me on this,"

"What? Like I should trust you with the women," Thorin retorted, mockingly.

"Yes," Gandalf replied, leaning back, "Just like that," All eyes were on Thorin as he stared at the grey wizard.

"Very well," he finally said, "We will do it your way, give him a contract," Thorin said ignoring the 'no's which were escaping from Bilbo's lips, he once again glanced as where the girls stood.

"It's just the usual..." Balin went into the explanation of the contract that Bilbo was expected to sign. The girls watched, un-amused, as Bilbo read over the contract whilst the dwarves tried to scare him.

"Incineration?" Bilbo squeaked at the dwarves, of course it was Bofur to speak up.

"Oh aye, he'll melt the flesh of your bones in the blink of an eye," He said, uncaring for the panic which was evidently rising in Bilbo. Bofur continued. "Think furnace, with wings, flash of light searing pain, then puff your nothing more than a pile of ash,"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Cece spoke up, all eyes turned to her except for the pale hobbit.

"And why not lassie," Bofur asked, sucking on his pipe.

"Because he's going to faint," and if on cue Bilbo let out a little 'no' before collapsing on the floor. Eyes turned back to the girls in wonder.

A dwarf carried Bilbo through into the opposite room where he was laid on the couch Frankie was unconscious not too long ago. The girls told the dwarves to go back and finish their meeting whilst they stayed with the hobbit, it also gave them some time alone. When everyone else was out of the room Cece seemed to explode.

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