Elven Jail

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Rosie was only falling for a few seconds, but the landing was certainly softer than she was expecting. That's because she didn't actually land on the floor. No, she managed to literally fall into the arms of one blonde haired prince, and I am not talking about Fili. Rosie was shocked for a moment to find Legolas staring back at her, mirroring her own expression.

"Rosie?" Kili asked, half relieved, half shocked.

"The um, tree, was um...slippery," She said before throwing mental curses to her friend. The next thing she knew Legolas' arms gave out under her and she fell the rest of the way to the floor with a thump and a groan. "Was it necessary?" She looked up at Legolas who simply raised an eyebrow, she too was searched for all her weapons and goods before she joined the company on the floor.

"Where did you get this?" Legolas asked pointing Thorin's own sword at Thorin.

"It was given to me," Thorin growled. While Legolas and Thorin had a little showdown, Rosie tried to signal to Cece that Frankie was on the branch above their heads, but Cece appeared lost in her own world of thoughts. Legolas then called out something in elvish and the company was tugged away by the elves.

"Thorin, where's Bilbo?" Bofur whispered to Thorin while everyone else was carted away, Thorin turned around and looked out at their surroundings.

"And where's Frankie?" He whispered before he too was pulled away by an elven guard.

In the meantime, Frankie had scrambled back down the tree and was searching around the forest calling out for Bilbo in a whisper.

"Bilbo? Bilbo? Come out, come out, wherever you are," She whispered knowing that she wouldn't be able to see him due to his ring.

"Frankie?" Someone asked from behind her and Frankie turned around and came face to face with a dishevelled looking Bilbo. "What are you- "

"Doesn't matter now, you need to listen," Frankie said with urgency gripping onto the shoulders of Bilbo. "You need to follow the company and go into the eleven-palace thing, the company, as well as Rosie and Cece, will be placed in the jail cells, your job is to find a way for them to escape. But you need to listen to me Bilbo," Frankie said leaning in, "Do not make yourself apparent until Rosie and Cece have talked to the elf king. Okay, don't reveal yourself and whatever you do don't take the ring off."

"How do you- "

"It doesn't matter. Here's a clue on how to escape, go to the cellars, I will be waiting for you and the company when you do escape," Frankie reassured making sure he was listening. "Got it?"

"Yeah but- "

"Yeah but nothing, go now!" Frankie hissed and pushed Bilbo in the direction of the distant noises of the company. Bilbo took a few paces forward then turned back to see Frankie, but she was already gone.

The company was dragged straight away to the jail cells of the elves, well the company minus Thorin who was no doubt throwing away their last hope of not only escaping Mirkwood but also surviving the Battle of Five Armies. Rosie and Cece were placed in separate cells which were opposite to Fili and Kili who both seemed to be ignoring the girls.

"Are you mad at us?" Cece called over to where Fili and Kili sat in separate cells, not looking at the girls, she also had to call over the noise of the other dwarves banging against their bars. When they didn't respond or even look up at Rosie or Cece it was like a thin dagger to the heart. "Please, talk to us," Cece called again, quieter but no less confident.

"Come on guys, Fili? Kili?" Rosie asked, pushing her face right up her bars, they didn't respond again obviously showing signs that they wanted to be left alone, "You know something?" Rosie called again, "You guys are Kili'n me," She said with a broad smile, but when neither Fili nor Kili looked up, it fell from her face pretty damn quick.

"Not the best time for a pun I must say," Cece said to Rosie as she pulled away from her bars and sat down against the cold stone wall, her mind racing. Where is Frankie? Is she with Bilbo? What if she's not in the elven palace? The land will be full of orcs right now? There's no way in hell she can fight a whole army? Cece's head was spinning and it seemed to refuse to stop. Normally when she was feeling like this she would want to talk to Rosie or Frankie but now, she wanted to talk to Fili. She wanted to explain to him that she was doing this for him, so he wouldn't die.

"Fili," She tried again, calling quietly across the now silent prison space.

"What?" Came his stiff reply. At least he replied this time Cece thought.

"I'm sorry," She said after a moment. Fili didn't respond.

Frankie followed Bilbo for a while, he would lead her to the opening of Thranduil's palace. She kept to the trees as she watched Bilbo slip on the ring and run inside as Legolas looked back into the forest. Did he hear me? Frankie wondered as Legolas seemed to be looking for something. She was reassured when he turned back around, the tall doors closing behind him.

She sighed, now she was out here all alone, but at least the fogginess in her mind seemed to have cleared up. The closer she kept to the palace, the more at bay the sickness seemed. Okay, I need to find the stream in which the company escapes in the meanwhile I must make sure I'm not found by any orc packs. She stood up and looked around. Brilliant.

It wasn't long before Thorin was pulled back into the chamber, being thrown into a cell of his own not too far away from Fili and Kili. Cece had given up trying to talk to either of the Prince brothers and had pushed herself to the very end of her jail cell trying to keep out of the light so no one could see her. Rosie simply sat in silence near the front of her cell watching everyone and everything.

"Did he offer you a deal?" Balin called.

"He did..." Thorin started.

"I'm guessing you told him he could shove it up his- "Rosie began leaning against her bars and looking at Thorin.

"Rosie," Cece warned, her hurt and anger at Fili's reaction bubbling up. Just then Legolas walked in on the scene, he was simply checking on the dwarves, nothing more. He was just turning to leave when Rosie remembered the plan.

"Legolas! Hey, Legolas up here!" Rosie called pressing her face against the cool bars. Legolas simply turned to her and then gave a small smirk.

"Yes, tree faller?" He asked, his voice strong and noble.

"Yeah, yeah, funny," Rosie waved him off, Thorin watched intently. "Can I speak to Thranduil?" She asked. Thorin's face turned bitter, he could only think the worst of what Rosie would do. Legolas thought for a moment, before nodding at a guard. The guards came up to the door and opened it, Rosie smiled. Maybe Legolas isn't so much of a dick after all, she wondered.

"Rosie? Let me out?" Cece called running up and putting her face on the bars. Rosie looked up at Legolas who had his mouth in a firm line.

"It'll be okay Cece, I can handle this," Rosie smiled before turning around and following Legolas through the halls of the elven kingdom leaving her friend(s) behind.

"I do not trust her," Thorin growled, "She will sell us out," He muttered.

"Thorin! You do trust her, I can see it, you care about her just as if she was a dwarf in this company! So, stop pretending that you don't!" Cece huffed at him, her anger bubbling again. Cece returned to her place at the back of her cell her anger at Thorin and Fili and the whole situation taking over. Thorin stayed quiet for the rest of the night.

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