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The days soon ran into each other and time was passing quickly. Apart from Fili, Kili, Ori and Bofur, the girls found that none of the dwarves wanted to talk to them, they dwarves saw the displeasure that Thorin had for the girls and they followed in pursuit of their leader.

One day they were travelling in the woods when a magnificent downpour was set upon them, giving the rolling grasslands and the tall trees an even more magical atmosphere.

Rosie and Cece very much liked the rain, it trickled down their faces and cooled them off whereas for Frankie it was just another obstacle in how to ride a pony. Rosie sat happily, trusting her pony to follow the others, with her head tipped backwards so the fresh water could roll down her face freely. Sighing with content she opened her eyes to see Ori staring at her tenderly. She felt an unnerving need to go back in time and stop herself from doing what she just did. Don't get her wrong, Ori was lovely in his very own way but she could simply not find it in herself to adore Ori the way he did her.

"Mr Gandalf!" Dori called from somewhere behind the girls. "Can't you do something about this delude?" He asked, Frankie audibly snorted, another trait that seemed to be getting on the dwarf's nerves.

"It is raining master dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done," Gandalf replied with finality. "If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard!" He continued.

"And are there?" Bilbo suddenly piped up after a moment, continuing the conversation with Gandalf.

"What?" Came Gandalf's not so distant voice.

"Other wizards?" Bilbo continued.

"Oh no, hold on a minute, I can get this," Frankie suddenly popped up, biting her lip in thought.

"Well there's you, Gandalf the grey, then there's the two blues and Radagast the brown and he's the one who really likes animals and is looking after some forest lands in the...east? And the fifth is Saruman, the white, and he's like the lord wizard," Frankie said thoughtfully thinking about each and every bit of information she said, making sure to get it right.

"Why I do think that you are quite right," Gandalf hummed not even turning around as he continuing on the straight path. Without looking at each other Rosie and Frankie high-fived.

Rosie, who was now a little wet, suddenly remembered the waterproof jacket she held in her backpack. She had gotten so used to the feeling of the cloak that she had completely forgotten about it. She suddenly threw open the flap on her backpack and pulled out the large puffer jacket, causing a few people near her to jump, she then wrapped it around herself and sighed, gratified.

"What's that?" Kili asked staring at Rosie who was sitting happily on her pony, almost being drowned by her coat.

"Her freaking waterproof jacket," Frankie sighed in annoyance, now obviously frustrated that she had forgotten to take her jacket along with her on the day of their...well...transfer between worlds.

"Waterproof?" Kili said his eyes wide in wonder. Rosie glimpsed up at from where the hood of the coat had left some space.

"Here try it on," Rosie smiled, unwrapping herself and handing it over to the young dwarf. Kili took it hesitantly and then ran his overly large fingers down the weird material, it made a squeaking noise which made him jump causing Cece to chuckle. He then slowly placed an arm in one of the holes before wrapping it around, however, he struggled when he came to working the zip.

"Um, Rosie? How do you..." He trailed off staring at the zip in wonder.

"Here let me," Frankie said from the other side of him, leaning over she placed one part in the other and began pulling it up, he stared in wonder at how it worked. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as the pretty girl leant in close and felt strongly disappointed when she pulled away. But the warmth that seemed to leave him when Frankie pulled away was instantly returned by the jacket. He could still feel the wetness of his clothes underneath but suddenly the rain wasn't going through him anymore, he looked down and watched as the water droplets would hit the jacket then roll down. This fascinated him deeply and he continued to watch in awe at how this new material was working its magic.

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