Orcs Invade Laketown

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Cece sat upon the calm waters and watched as the pulled up and away from those which they left behind. Part of her wanted to jump out of the boat and join her friends, another wanted to grab one of them and drag them onto the boat with her. But she had a dragon to kill, well Bard did, she just needed to ensure that it happened.

Sighing she turned to where Dwalin sat next to her, smiling up at him she rested her head against his shoulder, something which came naturally around Dwalin. They moved almost silently along the water, the company tense. Possibly because they were about to try and kill a fire-breathing dragon, possibly because of what happened with Thorin back on the docks. They could only fear for the worst, in both situations.

Adverting her gaze from where Thorin stood at the front of the boat looking up at the lonely mountain, Cece took a moment to peer back to Laketown, now quite far away. Come on guys, we can do this.

Rosie led the small group through the town, which she was now becoming familiar with until they reached a set of stairs followed by a brown wooden door. Knocking on it thrice Rosie waited for one of Bard's children to answer.

"Hello," Bard's eldest daughter, Sigrid, answered. "Oh," She said once she gazed upon the familiar faces, "Aren't you supposed to be- "

"Yes, yes," Rosie cut in, "We had to stay behind you see, Kili's sick," She said stepping back so Sigrid could look upon the pale face of Kili who was slightly hunched over now.

"Come in, come in," Sigrid ushered as she pulled the door open wider. The small group made their way in and spread out.

"Okay, there that table," Rosie called out pointing at a bare table at the end of the room. "Sigrid, could you get us some blankets and towels please," Rosie said, and Sigrid gave a sharp nodded before disappearing, Bard's youngest daughter then appeared.

"What's going on?" She asked watching as Kili huffed and leaned against a table clutching his side, it looked like everything he had been holding in the past few days was being let go.

"Hi Tilda honey," Frankie said softly walking over to the young girl. "Kili's sick, do you think you could show me where your father keeps his medical supply?" She smiled sweetly. Tilda thought for a moment before a determined look settled on her face.

"This way," She said before turning around and taking Frankie over to a cupboard.

"Sigrid said you needed blankets," Bain called as he ran into the room, his arms full of soft materials.

"Thank you," Rosie said before taking them out of his hands and with Fili's help, threw them over the table and sorted them so they would be more comfortable for Kili to lie on. "Get him up," Rosie ordered, and Fili nodded. With the efforts of both herself, Fili and Oin, Kili made it up onto the table his face now contorted with pain.

"Why does it hurt so much?" He gasped, Rosie was slapped in the face with nostalgia for a moment with the memory of hearing those words escape Tauriel's own lips on a screen.

"Because it's been in your system so long," Oin began to explain, "You have been fighting it but by doing so your body has grown far too weak!" He said as he pulled the medical box out of Frankie's arms as she came over.

"What can you do?" Fili asked from his brother's side, eyes full of worry. Oin didn't reply for a moment, simply rummaged through the wooden box.

"Nothing that can truly help with that's in here," Oin sighed and dropped the box back on the table, the girls stood in silence and thought.

"I got it!" Frankie cried.

"What?" Rosie called back, the panic now rising in her chest.

"That plant...herb thing, you know," Frankie began to explain, Rosie simply stared at her friend.

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