Stream Talks

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They spent their second night at Beorn's house, planning to leave in two days for Mirkwood, that would give them time to plan and prepare for everything which followed.

The girls woke the following morn and spent most of it sparring with their partners before they finished and chose to cool off near the stream which Rosie and Frankie had found the previous day.

"Kili is going fucking James Bond on my ass," Frankie huffed as she joined Cece and Rosie chucking her bow on the grass next to her.

"But you like it don't you," Cece smirked with a wink.

"Oh, trust me honey, out of the three of us I am not the one who's getting on a first name basis with a dwarf prince, if you know what I mean," Frankie smirked at her friend, stretching out like a cat on the warm grass. Cece snapped her head to Rosie thinking that's who Frankie was talking about.

"Don't look at me!" Rosie cried as she slapped Cece lightly up the head, Cece sported a confused expression.

"Well then who...?" Cece trailed off before glancing at the looks her two friends were sending her. "Me? What have I done?" Cece cried, defending herself, the others simply smirked.

"Nothing..." Frankie trailed of smirking," Cuddles." Rosie snorted with glee when she heard this.

"What?" Cece asked, desperate for answers.

"Nothing! Snuggles," Rosie added, grinning.

"WHAT!" Cece suddenly cried standing up and turning to her friends who simply laughed at her frustration.

"Come here dearest friend," Frankie smirked as she pulled out her phone to show her a photo. Cece leaned down and squinted her eyes coming face to face with what looked like a pile of clothes lying on a dark floor.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" Cece questioned, trying to pick out some features.

"Anything, or anyone, look familiar to you?" Rosie smiled smugly. Cece leaned in more until her nose was inches away from the screen.

"Is...Is that me?" She asked seeing a familiar spout of blonde hair.

"Why yes Cece, yes it is," Frankie drawled out. "And..." She trailed off. Cece looked back into the photo looking for something else but now all she could see was blonde hair and clothes...wait.

"FILI!" Cece cried, gleefully getting the answer, then realization dawned on her. "OH MY GOD!" She cried her two best friends erupting into laughter whilst she stood staring at the photo shocked. "When was this?" Cece asked taking the phone out of Cece's hands and sitting down next to her so-called friends, her eyes never leaving the photo.

"Last night," Frankie wiggled her eyebrows.

"It's adorable," Rosie added giving Cece a confident smile.

"No," Cece simply responded with, the laughter soon died from the girls.

"No?" Rosie questioned, confused.

"No. This can't..." Cece trailed off, stricken.

"Why? Do you not like him?" Frankie asked her friend.

"It's not that," Cece sighed.

"Then what is it?" Frankie pushed further.

"You and I both know how this story ends," Cece suddenly snapped.

"That doesn't matter," Rosie said, a serious manner taking over her.

"Why? That's what's supposed to happen, do you really think we can stop death?" Cece asked incredulously.

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