Apology Pancakes

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Two days passed and the company saw nothing of the three girls, Rosie, Frankie and Cece did not see much of each other either. For each of them, they had found their own solitary place. The news that they may or may not be dead and that they could probably never make it back home had shaken the girls harshly. It took two days for them to think it over, to dwell on the past and try to move on. To remember the faces of their families and friends and to hold on tightly to what they had from their other world, yet also let it go. They met with each other on the second day, helping each other through this rough time and making promises to keep each other safe.

It was on the morn of the third day that the company first heard the girls. It was in the early hours of daylight and they could hear some unusual noises coming from within Rivendell, the company, always moving in a pack, travelled downstairs weapons raised to fight. They were shuffling along the corridor just outside the kitchens when some faint piano sound was heard, gradually getting louder. What they didn't understand was, what they were actually hearing, was the beginning of Bob Seger – Old Time Rock and Roll. What came next was the most astonishing thing they had seen so far that some of them dropped their weapons with a clatter from shock.

Frankie came skidding from the kitchens into the hallway wearing nothing but some extremely short shorts, oversized white socks, a turned up shirt and holding a whisk in her hand. She had her back to the company and turned around, eyes shut dancing along to the music.

Just take those old records off the shelf,

I said I'll listen to them by myself,

Today's music ain't got the same songs,

I like that old time rock'n'roll,

The company watched as the girl danced along to the music they had never heard, taking no notice of the dwarves who stood there watching her. Soon following Frankie was Rosie who skidded in just like Frankie did dancing in the weirdest way, Cece followed after that however she had acquainted herself with some pants. The girls danced to the music for a while before Cece stopped dead, being the first to realize that they had company, literally. Cece smacked Frankie who too stopped, however, no one could stop Rosie who was now attempting to do the worm.

"Thorin! Hey!" Frankie drawled out, Rosie (mid-way worm) stopped and looked up to see the company staring at her. Slowly she brought herself to her feet, nodded at the company and walked straight back into the kitchen. Frankie and Cece followed and it wasn't too long before the company bustled in after them. The scene was interesting, it seemed that the girls were baking something, and they could only presume it was for them as the girls had also set out a table for seventeen places (their wizard was busy elsewhere).

Fili and Kili immediately recognized the source of the music, it was the speaker which they had been introduced to not too long ago. Puffing their chests out with pride they explained to the group how the speaker worked, impressing everyone with their knowledge.

"And there are some songs that you can't listen to," Kili said, speaking about the bet he lost. "Which reminds me, Dwalin you need to teach the girls how to fight," Kili said to the robust dwarf.

" Why?" The dwarf replied, not sure whether to be happy or mad about the situation, he too had grown close and even protective of the girls.

"Lost a bet," Kili grumbled, the girls sniggering behind him.

"What are you making Miss Rosie?" Bombur asked the stout dwarf questioned as he looked into Rosie's pan.

"We, Master Bombur, are making my mother's legendary pancakes, think of it like a celebratory meal to my parents...and Cece's and Frankie's too," Rosie smiled sadly at the dwarf, Cece was on measuring duty and was constantly providing more and more of the products that they needed (they took one look in the cupboards and only found the ingredients for pancakes), Frankie was on mixing duty keeping a rotation of two bowls and two batches of pancake mixture.

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