Offers To The King

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Rosie walked with Legolas and the other guard in the handsome hallways, their footsteps echoing around them. It wasn't long before she was led up a set of stone steps to where Thranduil was standing on his throne platform, his back to her. Legolas said something up to his father in elvish and Thranduil simply turned and looked down at Rosie who stood confidently, her hands by her sides. Thranduil replied in the elvish tongue and Legolas nodded before gesturing to the elven guards who turned and left them, he however stayed.

"King Thranduil," Rosie said bowing low before standing back up, she knew how sassy he was going to get. If only Frankie was here.

"I do not believe we met before," He said simply walking to the side his cloak billowing out behind him.

"No, I don't think we have either," Rosie replied trying her best to remember her manners.

"Are you with Thorin Oakenshield and his company?" He asked not looking at her.

"Yes," She replied strongly.

"You are of no dwarf species," He said turning to her and fixing her with an icy gaze.

"No, I am not a dwarf," Rosie replied, her patience running thing rather quickly.

"Then why do you travel with a company of them, why are you here?" He asked, looking down at her with curiosity in his eyes.

"The reason I am here is to give you an offer," She said looking down at where her hands were bound in metal chains.

"There is nothing that you can offer me," He said with finality before making a gesture for Legolas to take her away.

"How about an offer for the gems of pure starlight?" Rosie asked just as Legolas had lightly tugged on her arm, pulling her away. Thranduil stopped Legolas and stared at her, an unreadable expression drawn on his face.

"I am listening," He said, a darkness now creeping into his voice. Legolas raised an eyebrow before retreating to his previous position.

"I am part of the company, which means at the end of the quest I will take a share of the gold in Erebor. I believe I can convince Thorin to give me the gems that you want as my share," She said, walking around the little platform they stood on.

"Why would you do such a thing?" He asked as if he didn't believe her.

"A war is coming." Rosie said simply, "In exchange for the gems I ask for your hand to fight in this war," She turned to Thranduil knowing that Legolas was watching her every move.

"A war between whom?"

"Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Men and Beasts," Rosie said simply.

"Why?" Thranduil asked. Rosie took a deep breath, here we go. Speaking from memory, Rosie told Thranduil of everything he needed to know, of how Thorin would fall prey to the gold sickness and become greedy for the Arkenstone, how Thorin would refuse the men of Laketown their share of the gold, how Bilbo would give them the Arkenstone as a wager, Dain, the orcs and eventually the death of Thorin, Fili and Kili. Funny how the first person she has fully told the story to was Thorin's 'greatest' enemy.

Thranduil then asked how she knew of this information and then Rosie began to explain that she was from a different world. Thranduil listened carefully as did Legolas, both of them hanging onto every word that escaped Rosie's lips. Rosie explained about Cece (she chose not to mention Frankie since she wasn't here). She told them everything that they needed to know, and she only hoped for their trust in return.

"The life of those dwarves does not inconvenience me, and neither will their death," Thranduil said after Rosie had finished, the then again turned away.

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