Master Of The House

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The company were gathering around the fire for their last night in Beorn's house, they were packed and prepared to leave so they could enjoy their last night. Bofur had just finished telling a particularly funny story when Kili had fallen off the back of his stool with laughter.

"That, was, brilliant!" Frankie gasped through laughter, watching as Kili's legs flailed in the air. The group quietened down and gave dozy smiles of tiredness, the stars above them shining brightly.

"I want to hear more of your music," Ori spoke up smiling at Rosie with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Sure," Rosie said reaching over for her phone.

"No," Ori suddenly said, "Sing something," He smiled, this time Rosie blushed.

"I um, I don't sing," She said shyly.

"Say's the girl who got the main role in school's Les Miserables," Frankie rolled her eyes.

"Okay, it's a small school and they were desperate," Rosie sighed back.

"You can still remember the song though," Cece spoke up.

"I would rather sing a song with you guys though," Rosie answered shyly.

"Master of the house?" Frankie raised an eyebrow.

"Of course," Rosie winked.

"Master of the house, doling out the charm, Ready with a handshake and an open palm, Tells a saucy tale, makes a little stir, Customers appreciate a bon-viveur," Frankie sprung into a song, the company (even Thorin) mighty interested in the song.

"Glad to do a friend a favour, Doesn't cost me to be nice, But nothing gets you nothing, Everything has got a little price!" Cece took over, standing up and gesturing to the company as if she was on stage.

"Master of the house, keeper of the zoo, Ready to relieve 'em of a sou or two, Watering the wine, making up the weight, Pickin' up their knick-knacks when they can't see straight," Rosie joined in and she, without him noticing, pulled a handkerchief out of Bilbo's pocket and then dangling it in front of his face.

"Everybody loves a landlord, Everybody's bosom friend, I do whatever pleases, Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!" Frankie winked as she dissolved into large laughter as some of the dwarves tried to join in, all though it was obvious they had no clue. They continued to dance like drunks, the firelight painting their moving shadows on the sky above them. A moment of pure joy

Then Frankie, in one movement, picked up a small button off the floor and chucked it at Kili.

"Oh, sorry love, must get something done 'bout that," She said looking up into the empty sky. She then sat down next to him a looked dreamily, obviously all an act, the girls simply continued to pretend that they were currently in an inn.

"I used to dream that I would meet a prince, But God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since?" Frankie sang before turning and looking at Bombur who widened his eyes whilst Kili looked scared as hell.

"Master of the house? Isn't worth my spit! Comforter, philosopher' and lifelong shit!" Frankie continued to sing before sliding into the lap of Kili whilst the whole of the company sat, very unsure of how to react. Rosie watched with enjoyment and Thorin was torn between being angry and amused.

"Cunning little brain, regular Voltaire, Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there," She winked leaning in, Kili was as red as a cherry.

"What a cruel trick of nature landed me with such a louse, God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house!" She rushed before pulling something out of Kili's pocket without him noticing, chucking it the Rosie before planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Master of the house!" Cece called standing on a chair.

"Master and a half!" Rosie called back.

"Comforter, philosopher," Cece replied, jumping back down.

"Don't make me laugh!" Rosie rolled her eyes.

"Servant to the poor, butler to the great!" Frankie and Cece called walking forward to Rosie before retreating.

"Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!" Rosie replied, walking half-way across the small gathering before retreating.

"Everybody bless the landlord!" They responded.

"Everybody bless his spouse!" Rosie cried back.

"Everybody raise a glass!" Frankie cried throwing a glass in the air.

"Raise it up the master's arse!" Rosie called standing on a chair.

"Everybody raise a glass to the Master of the House!" The three girls called together before dissolving into laughter, how had they remembered that song after all these years? The company appeared lost for words at what they had just witnessed. The company were silent for a while, taking in what they just witnessed.

"Next time, just don't ask," Dori said nudging Ori who simply nodded back, a content smile on his face.

It was morning and the company were set and prepared to leave Beorn's house, abroad ponies with their bags full of supplies to get them through the next few days. Gandalf bid his farewells to Beorn and so did the girls, thanking him for his kind hospitality. They then set off, understanding that the lands they would cross were riddled with orcs, they moved quickly, not necessarily quietly, but fast enough to get to the opening of Mirkwood in a half-hour.

You could feel the sickness even before you entered. The forest radiated something which would course through your body making every cell feel sick. It was like a fire of disease, pulsing through you, the heat attacking your skin. The girls pulled their bags off their ponies before handing the reigns to Dori who handed them over to someone else. Wearily they walked into the opening where they came face to face with an eroded statue of an elf.

"Is this his wife?" Frankie asked, running her fingers over the intricate pattern, she didn't even need to say his name for the girls to know who she was talking about.

"I believe so," Cece whispered next to her. Gandalf walked further, no doubt about to reveal the mark on the stone statue. The girls shivered and walked away, waiting for Gandalf's reveal. Gandalf pulled away some ivory to reveal what he feared. He muttered something to himself before turning and walking away.

"Not my horse! I need it!" Gandalf cried as Nori was about to untie the horse's reigns.

"You're not leaving us," Bilbo sighed.

"I believe our wizard has somewhere more important to be," Cece said as she walked closer to Gandalf giving him a knowing look. The girls watched intently as Bilbo was about to reveal his secret in the form of a small golden ring.

"Do not enter that mountain without me, do not touch the water, the air in this forest is heavy with illusion, it will seek to enter your mind, you must not let it," Gandalf said before climbing his horse.

"Don't worry Gandalf, we will take good care," Frankie said will an all-knowing tone, Gandalf looked as if he didn't trust the girls.

"Good. Farewell," He said before turning his horse around and riding away, the company turned to the girls.

"You have nothing to fear," Rosie smiled, the girls watched as the company noticeably showed their relief, believing that the girls were somehow telling them that they would not befall any trouble in these woods. Man...Thorin was going to be pissed, it would be the Goblin cave all over again.

"Keep an eye out, do not let the sickness seep into your brain," Thorin called as he entered the elven gate. The company formed a line and they plunged into the dark forest, a low-level fear piercing the hearts of all. Here we go.

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