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"What the fu-" Was all Rosie managed to get out before the dizziness of her head took over and she was doubled over, emptying the contents of her vacant stomach onto...nothing.

"I know," Rosie 2.0 said, reaching out and rubbing Rosie's back, Rosie pushed her away viciously.

"Don't touch me," Rosie said. The words coming out angrier than she expected them to.

"Hey, hey, hey," Rosie 2.0 said, holding her hands in the air, "I'm not going to hurt you,"

"I think you hurting me is the last of my fucking worries right now!" Rosie cried in response, clearly getting slightly hysterical.

"I know! I get it! This is kinda weird!" Rosie 2.0 continued.

"Kinda-fucking-weird?" Rosie said, turning away from the sight of herself. Unable to comprehend just what exactly was happening. Turning away from herself she took in the view of...nothing, only a white floor going on and on and on. Rosie felt the urge to throw up again. She turned back to herself, "Where am I?"

"We're nowhere...and I think it's 'Where are we?'" Rosie 2.0 sassily responded.

"Well, considering I'm me and you...are also me and every single person that's...here...right now, is me, I think my grammar was correct," Rosie rambled, spinning around now, searching for any distinct signs of anything.

"Okay, you need to calm down," Rosie 2.0 sighed.

"Calm down?" Rosie gasped, turning back to herself, "I'm talking to myself! Literally!"

"Okay! I get it, it's weird, I know!" Rosie 2.0 said as she grabbed the shoulders of Rosie, forcing her to look at her, "But you're here for a reason, I'm here for a reason, I'm here to tell you things...give you answers!" Rosie 2.0 then let go of her shoulders causing Rosie to slightly stumble backwards.

"Answers?" Rosie asked, completely out of it.

"Don't you have any questions? Like maybe...how you ended up in middle earth?" Rosie 2.0 asked.


"But what?

"So, what? I just ask you and you'll tell me...like a weird mirror google?" Rosie 2.0 stared at her incredulously before giving in.

"Sure...you can call it whatever you want. Now, ask a question," There was a pause and Rosie furrowed her eyebrows, still not quite sure what the hell was happening.

"Okay," She finally said, "What happened during the car crash?"

"Ah, good one," Rosie 2.0 swung back on her heels, clearly excited, "But to answer this question I think we need to go back,"

"Go back?" Rosie wondered aloud. Rosie 2.0 smiled coyly.

"Of course," And then she brought her hands up to her face and clicked.

What happened next can't really be described, because it was over before Rosie could take anything in. It was a blip in time, a jumpstart, a glitch where Rosie's entire body felt like it was being pulled apart and put back together at the same time. But when the sensation stopped after a few milliseconds, the entire world around them had changed.

"What the fuck!" Rosie gasped for probably the second time in the space of five minutes.

"Ah, here we are," Rosie 2.0 sighed looking around, "Take a deep breath, soak it all in...it's England's nature at its finest,"

Rosie looked away from the image of herself and turned to the one around her. It was England, more specifically, Rosie was standing at the side of the road where she had crashed that crappy Saturn.

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