The Enemy Is Back

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Sucking up the pain from their previous battle, the company turned around and began running fast and far. They scrambled over tree roots and ducked under tree branches until they neared the cliff edge. Behind them came the howls and growls of a warg pack, snapping their jaws at their ankles.

Suddenly a warg leapt over the top of them and skidded to a halt right before them, it was soon taken down by the dwarves. They leapt over the dead carcass and continued to run until there really was nowhere else to go.

"Into the trees, all of you!" Gandalf called, the girls were already a step ahead. They climbed the nearest tree which just so happened to be the very last one before the cliff edge.

"Thorin!" Rosie called, Thorin looked up at her in concern.


"Don't do anything stupid!" She called back before shuffling even further up the tree. They shared their tree with Gandalf, Ori and no others, pushing down any fear of heights they had. Cece watched as Fili flipped himself up the tree, as agile as a cat and felt the temperature rise a few degrees.

"Are you okay Ce?" He called in concern, she managed a nod and tried not to look down at where the wargs were snapping at her. "Ce, just look at me okay, look at me, everything's going to be okay," He promised, and from his tone of voice, she really thought it would be.

Cece broke eye contact with Fili for a moment and looked up to see Gandalf whispering in the ear of a butterfly. Okay, things were on course.

"Thorin!" She called.

"Yes!" He shouted back

"Don- "

"Do anything stupid, I got it!" He called back. The wargs suddenly stopped and turned to face a tall rock where a strong, resilient pale orc sat upon a white warg, scars dancing across his skin. Thorin turned around and stared at the pale orc. "Azog!" He hissed.

"Thorin!" Rosie called again, but Thorin seemed far away. Azog began talking in his own language which none of the girls for the life of them could understand, but they knew he probably wasn't handing out compliments. Thorin seemed to understand what he was saying, and he certainly didn't like it.

"It cannot be," Thorin whispered. The orc then shouted something pointing to Thorin then throwing his axe-thing in the air, the wargs then turned back and charged at the trees, jaws snapping. The wargs jumped high up into the trees, luckily, they were far enough up that they couldn't do much damage. However, they did have a problem when the wargs began uprooting the trees, especially since the girls and Gandalf's tree was on the very end.

"Hold on girls!" Gandalf cried as the tree was shaken side to side. A tree far away collapsed and like dominos they fell into each other. Screaming the girls where flung almost off the trunk and into thin air as they ended up dangling over the edge of the cliff.

The others were safely stored in a tree a few feet to their left, thank god. Cece who was hanging near Ori was jarred by the tree falling and for a split second ended up falling over the edge.

"CECE!" Rosie shouted as Cece managed to grab hold of Ori's bottom half and grip for dear life. Meanwhile, Gandalf was throwing burning balls of something at the wargs scaring them off. Rosie looked through the steam and smoke to see Thorin standing, a shield made of oak on his left arm.

"Frankie...Thorin!" Rosie called, Frankie was currently edging her way along the trunk to reach Cece who was shaking so badly, Rosie wondered how her arms were able to keep hold. Frankie nodded at Rosie and turned and scuttled back along the trunk chasing after the stubborn dwarf, the hobbit following behind.

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