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Legolas had stood for a few minutes in the woods, calling out different noises that caused Rosie to raise her eyebrows here and there. But soon the pearly white horse they rode on only a few hours ago, slowly trotted their way towards them. Rosie couldn't help but feel so honoured that the horse was in fact still here and was willing to come back to them, these animals were not like the ones back on earth.

They climbed the horse and Legolas started to steer the horse to trot over to where the remaining men and women of Laketown were gathering. Rosie suddenly realized how desperate she was to see her friends again, to make sure that they were okay and to show them that she was okay.

Legolas did not want to tire the horse further after the sprinting it had done yesterday, so he allowed to horse to go at a steady pace, meaning by the time the horse made it to the start of the gathering, the sun blazed harshly from the centre of the sky.

"We look for the others, then we help," Legolas said quietly to Rosie as they made their way through the wrecks and ruins of people's lives. People turned and stared up at them with awe and wonder, Rosie could almost hear their expectant thoughts. Rosie was once again overcome with emotion as she watched people claw at each other for blankets to simply stay warm in the chilly winter breeze. "Over there," Legolas almost whispered as he nodded to where there was a group of people who seemed to be rather small compared to the rest. Rosie felt the excitement course through her, and she could no longer sit patiently on this horse, carefully and slowly she swung herself off and began sprinting over to her friends.

Before Frankie even knew that she was there, Rosie tackled her with a bone-crushing hug. Frankie looked down for a moment before seeing the brown mop that was Rosie's hair and found herself returning the hug with a slightly desperate feel.

"I'm so glad you are okay," Rosie breathed as she pulled back and looked at her friend. "All of you," She said turning to the three dwarves, the children and even the two elves.

"You were gone for so long, I didn't know what happened," Frankie murmured, finding that she wanted to pull her friend back into a hug.

"Legolas and I went to go hunt some orc," Rosie said, a smile breaking out on her face, Legolas simply rolled his eyes but his large grin betrayed him. "Bolg's dead," Rosie then announced.

"Wait, seriously?" Kili asked stepping forward.

"Yes, and we owe it to Legolas," Rosie said motioning to where the elf stood. His arms were folded but something thrummed from him, proudness? "Remember that okay?" Rosie suddenly continued.

"Remember what?" Kili asked.

"That it was Legolas, an elf, who killed Bolg and ultimately saved..." Rosie trailed off realizing what she was about to say.

"Saved what?" Kili questioned further, his brows furrowed.

"Come on brother," Fili said motioning him to the boat, the only dwarf who knew what Rosie was about to say, "Questions later, we need to reach Erebor," He said, but when Kili had turned away he threw Rosie a look, Rosie returned it. Kili, Fili and Oin went to a rather large boat and began pushing it out towards the lake with some difficulty. Rosie smiled at Frankie before turning to Legolas.

"I think this is where I leave you, friend," Rosie smiled up at Legolas who returned her smile.

"I believe that we will meet again," Legolas replied, Rosie grinned.

"Of course, of course," Rosie smiled before turning to Tauriel. "I'd just like to say thank you, for saving Kili, I mean. Even though he's a...and well you're a..." Rosie trailed off, thinking of the right thing to say.

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