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It was now their third day of being stuck in the elven jail and nothing had advanced. Rosie had told Thorin that he would need to apologize to Thranduil and of course, he had responded with something along the lines of 'over my dead body' but with some khudzul words thrown in there. It was now morning and everyone was sleeping, everyone but a certain blonde prince dwarf.

Fili sat there alone, he didn't like being here (not just because they were trapped) but because you were forced to sit and face your thoughts. He didn't even have any remaining knifes that he could play with, they had literally taken every single one off him if that was possible. The more Fili sat and thought, the more confused he was becoming.

He was mad at the girls, no doubt, they were wasting time in the prison of the elves, and since time was against them it wasn't exactly helpful. But the main reason he was mad was because Cece had not breathed a word of warning of this to him. He had noticed that he was becoming closer to the girls and in particular Cece, who always had time to listen to his problems when others would tell him to 'suck it up' and 'it's in your blood to not complain'. Cece over the past few weeks had been there for him in a way no one else in middle earth had. Not his brother, mother, one. She was also pleasantly nice to talk to, and he found the sound of her voice soothing and comforting.

But even though they had become so close over these past few weeks, she still did not trust him enough to tell them their fate. The fact that she knew it and still refused to tell them everything was what seemed to be a wall in their relationship. He wanted her to trust him, he wanted her to confide in him and share her woes, yet she still held back. It was almost as if she was holding something from him.

Fili looked up from his cell where he could just see a scruff of blonde hair from Cece's own cell. What he was doing to her was unkind, but she needed to understand that he was not okay with this. He found himself longing to be inside Cece's cell, talking to her, just talking, being close to her again, in more ways than one. As he watched her hair move slightly every time she breathed he found his stony exterior over the past three days crumble. How can I do this to her? Fili wondered she is only doing what she believes to be right. And she knows what's coming, I have to trust her, even if it sounds insane.

"Ce!" He whispered, his urge to talk to her becoming too strong to ignore. Cece did nothing but move slightly in her sleep. "Ce!" He hissed again knowing how much of a light sleeper she was. She made a noise this time, a small grunt as she again moved in her sleep. "Ce!" He called one last time.

"What?" She called back now lifting her head and staring at him groggily. Fili paused, now what?

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be the one saying sorry, after how I've been treating you over the past few days," Fili blurted.

"What...back up, what are you talking about?" She mumbled, squinting at Fili in the low lighting.

"You said sorry on the first day we got captured and I ignored you," Fili explained feeling some heat rise in his cheeks. "I was just explaining that you didn't need to say that," He now avoided the gaze of Cece, she didn't say anything for a few painful moments.

"You dope," She finally said, Fili looked up afraid that she was still mad at him but she was smiling and shaking her head. "It doesn't matter now, all that matters is that we get out of here as soon as possible," She smiled. Fili felt something come to life in his heart when he saw Cece smiling at him, the warmness that started out in his chest spread through his whole body.

"Agreed," He said, looking serious but feeling like he was floating. "How do we escape?" He then asked. Cece looked taken aback.

"How do you..." She trailed off.

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