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By the next day, Rosie had stored the gems of pure starlight away someplace safe and was on the hunt to track down Bilbo and the Arkenstone. If she was correct, Bilbo would be sneaking out tonight to take the Arkenstone to Thranduil and Bard, and she needed to go with him.

She had searched high and low but it seemed that the little hobbit did not want to be found. He didn't come to eat lunch or dinner with the company, in fact, no one had seen him since yesterday. Rosie was just about to give up hope when after lunch, she went outside for a breath of fresh air and saw a small scruff of brown hair poking out from behind some stones.

"Bilbo?" She asked softly, no response, "Bilbo I know your there, I can see you," She sighed as she moved forward and around the stones where she was met with Bilbo's soft blue eyes. "Why are you hiding?" She asked softly as she too lowered herself onto the floor.

"I'm not hiding," Bilbo said quickly, clearly lying.

"Yes, you are," Rosie said leaning forward, "Your hiding from your problems, our problems, or problem," She said sadly, Bilbo looked away.

"What else can I do?" He said, his voice unsteady.

"Face them," Rosie said simply, "Deal with them,"

"We can't, I can't- "He said before stopping himself abruptly and looking away.

"But we can," Rosie grinned, "I think it's time I tell you a few of your courageous deeds from the story," Rosie smiled, leaning back into the stone. So Rosie told him, she told him of how Bilbo took the Arkenstone (yes she knew he had the Arkenstone) to Bard and Thranduil and chose to exchange it in the hopes that Thorin would let Bard's people inside Erebor. She also told him that though his plan was brilliant, Thorin was too sick.

"Did I really do all that?" Bilbo asked with starry eyes.

"Yes," Rosie smiled as if it were obvious, "That Bilbo is no different from the one I see before me, strong, courageous, brave...basically a Gryffindor,"

"A what?"

"Never mind," Rosie said turning her head and smiling to herself, "Look, Bilbo, I know you have the Arkenstone," She said seriously after a moment, Bilbo too turned serious, "And you are still going to take it to Bard,"

"But it doesn't work," Bilbo sighed as he dug his hand deep into his coat pocket where, Rosie could only guess, the Arkenstone lay.

"No, maybe not," Rosie smiled, "But you see, I'm coming with you, and we're going to do things, well...a little differently,"

Legolas stood with Tauriel as they watched Bard ride back on his horse, an angry look on his face.

"I'm guessing it did not go well," Tauriel sighed dejectedly as they watched Bard exchange a few words with Thranduil.

"No," Legolas replied, eyes fixed on his father. "Rosie mentioned something about Thorin being ill in the mind,"

"What do you mean?" Tauriel asked turning to face him.

"A sickness runs through his blood, a dragon sickness," Legolas explained, "His grandfather was corrupted by it and it appears, so is Thorin," Tauriel didn't say anything, simply looked away a sadness running through her features.

"It is sad," Tauriel whispered after a moment, "Their family has suffered so greatly. Then they eventually reclaim their homeland and are now faced with a mentally distorted leader," She sighed and turned away from the mountain, walking through the stone ruin of Dale.

"I believe that everything shall be okay," Legolas reassured Tauriel, falling into step with her.

"How can you be so certain? She sighed as she once again glanced towards to mountain, Legolas frowned.

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