Bets and Beats

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The girls returned to their room, this time they were accompanied by the princes who were very adorable in the sense that they had to ask thrice before they allowed themselves into the chambers. They laid out lazily and introduced the princes to the mobile phone.

"No Fili it's okay, it's touch screen," Cece reassured as Fili refused to touch the small phone, believing his large hands would break it. They demonstrated how to use it and soon enough they had got the hang of it, still believing that it was some sort of sorcery.

"Want to listen to some music of our world?" Rosie asked, pulling out the speaker.

"Are you going to play for us?" Kili asked innocently and sweetly.

"Oh, heavens no," Rosie almost laughed. "We can play any music we want from our phones," She smiled at him. She connected the phone to the speaker and handed the phone to Kili. "Pick anything you want," She smiled before flopping on the overly large bed. Kili raised an eyebrow before placing his finger on the screen and almost jumping out of his skin as Can't Hold Us – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis began playing from the speaker.

"Ah, a classic I see boys," Frankie winked at them as she began nodding her head along. The boys stared in wonder and brought their ears to the little speaker, the music undoubtedly coming from it. They got even more scared when Macklemore began rapping.

"There's someone in there!" Poor, innocent Kili shouted, throwing the speaker back onto the bed, the girls held back their laughter.

"No Kili, that's just his recorded voice," Cece cooed, like a mother would do a baby.

"Recorded, like wrote down?" Fili asked, his head turned at an angle.

"I'll explain later," Cece yawned and laid down on the bed trying to get some peace, it didn't last long before Rosie and Frankie were jumping on the aforementioned bed singing along to the song.

Can we go back, this is the moment

Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over

So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us

Like the ceiling can't hold us

The princes watched as the girls sang along to the words, wondering how they could possibly know so many. They defiantly got a fright when they even attempted rapping along to the lyrics, attempted being the keyword.









It was certainly entertaining to watch, and it was also fascinating to listen to their music. They went through some others until they came to one which was certainly different.

"Kili, another song!" Rosie called from where she was standing on the balcony, checking on their drying clothes. Kili looked through the 'playlist' as they called it and picked the next one on the list, a different sound began playing, something different to anything they had heard before.

"NO!" Frankie called, jumping across the room as it began playing through the speaker.

"What?" Fili called alarmed.

"Of all the songs we could blast through peaceful Rivendell, this is on the bottom of the list" Frankie sighed.

"What was it?" Cece asked, she knew there were some songs that were bad, but would could be so bad that Frankie reacted like that.

"Or Nah, Weekend," Frankie said, Cece understood.

"Well I still want to hear it," Kili said defiantly.

"Honey, you would not be able to last the song," Rosie smiled as she walked in, Kili pulled a face. "I'm just saying that where we come from...we' about our feelings," She said, choosing her words carefully.

"If I last the whole song..." Kili trailed off, thinking of a bet, "You tell us what happens in the whole story." The girls looked at each other.

"And if you lose?" Frankie asked, Kili thought.

"I persuade Dwalin to teach you how to fight," He said. The girls again looked at each other, this was a hard bet, Cece shook her head.

"We'll do it," Frankie smiled and held her hand out to Kili, with Cece slapping her hand against her forehead, very animated. Kili and Frankie shook on it, Rosie put her earphone into Kili's ears giving him shivers as Frankie connected the earphones to the phone. Fili watching the whole time, his brows furrowed, prepared in case anything should happen to his little brother.

"You ready?" Frankie asked. Kili nodded, the only thing on his face was inquisitiveness. Frankie stood back with the girls and watched Kili. For the first 16 seconds he was fine, then the lyrics began playing, his face contorted into a range of emotions, shock, disgust, embarrassment. Frankie couldn't help her chuckles as she watched him, whilst his brother sat there, worried. It came to a point where Kili simply squeezed his eyes shut and tried to make it through. The girls weren't sure which exact lyric which caused him to snap but at some point, Kili's eyes flicked open and he simply gave a short 'nope' before ripping out the earphone. He let out a mutter of words not pulling together a comprehensible sentence.

"Kili? Kili, are you okay?" Fili asked apprehensively, Kili didn't answer his brother just turned around the giggling girls.

"How? Why? Wh- WHY?" Kili spluttered out triggering the girls to burst out into full-fledged laughter.

"Oh poor, sweet, innocent Kili," Rosie sighed attempting to wrap her arms around the dwarves thick shoulders, she failed and ended up with some sort of half hug, this surprised the dwarf, hugs were seemed as a very intimate action, he had to keep reminding himself that it was probably different where she came from. Frankie suddenly joined in and eventually Cece, till all three girls had managed to hug Kili from all around.

"Come join the group hug Fili," Came the muffled voice of Frankie, Fili simply raised an eyebrow as he watched Kili's face, looking like he just won all the gold in Erebor.

It wasn't too long before the princes made their departure, they left the girls with a promise to sometime return. The girls bid their farewell for the evening and spent the rest of the day nattering between themselves whilst they sat on the balcony and watched the warm sky become streaked with pink and blue. It was again, effortlessly beautiful.

Today, so far, had been the fastest day to pass since they started the journey. The day seemed to rush by, a flurry of conversations and memories being made. This was, of course, because the three girls had started to loosen up and, well, have fun.

When it became late the girls found themselves traveling down for some dinner to only be welcomed warmly by the dwarves. They sat down and for the first time ever, felt like a part of the company. They contributed to conversation and heard many stories and jokes throughout the meal, they also managed to tell a few, startled that the dwarves were interested in what they had to say.

The only downfall of the perfect day was the fact that Thorin did not show his face at dinner. Rosie had whispered in her ear that Thorin was to have the map read by Lord Elrond tonight, he was currently debating with Balin on whether he should or not share the map's secrets with someone outside the company, an elf for that matter. Rosie felt a shiver travel the length of her spine, she knew that Thorin had enough sense to hand the map over, but that was in the other story, the one she wasn't in.

After the pleasant meal, they headed back to their rooms where they once again sat on the balcony, simply enjoying the silence which surrounded them. None of them could sleep, especially after what Rosie told them about Thorin. They all knew that somewhere in Rivendell Thorin was learning the truth about what the map contained and therefore was learning that he needed to trust the three girls, something which was not going to come easily.

The three girls had faith though. Faith in the company which surrounded them. Faith that they would be accepted as true members of the company.

Faith that they could save them.

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