I See Fire

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Frankie left Kili's room, a smile lazily drawn on her face. She continued along one of the wooden hallways where she came face to face with a familiar door, stepping inside she found her two best friends sitting on the floor chatting happily.

"Frankie," Cece smiled up at her friend.

"How's Kili?" Rosie waggled her eyebrows, Frankie felt her smile widen without thinking about it.

"He's...good," Frankie said, smiling to herself before joining her friends and lying down on the floor.

"Just good?" Cece chortled leaning closer to her friend.

"I thought he was brilliant," Rosie said mocking Frankie's words.

"He is," Frankie smiled as she watched the warm sunlight strengthen along the walls, illuminating even the darkest corners.

"I think someone has a little crush," Cece hummed happily.

"I think it's more than a crush," Rosie chuckled and stretched her legs out, Frankie simply continued to smile lazily at the ceiling.

"It is looove?" Cece said clambering over her friend so she would look her in the eye.

"Piss off," Frankie mumbled, smiling as she pushed her friend off her. "Anyways," She said sitting up, "I don't think I'm the only one," She then took her turn to waggle her eyebrows, smirking at Cece whose cheeks darkened.

"What? Wait...what?" Rosie asked looking in-between her two friends, neither Cece or Frankie spoke up. "What are you talking about?" Rosie asked looking at Frankie.

"I'm just saying, I don't think I'm the only one to get friendly with a dwarf prince is all," Frankie said, never removing her gaze from Cece.

"So, you admit there's something between you and Kili," Rosie cried happily, missing the point.

"Fine, yeah, whatever, he's cute," Frankie rolled her eyes, "But Cece probably understands how I feel," Frankie suggested, for a moment Rosie's eyebrows furrowed as she glanced between her two friends, then realization slapped her in the face.

"CECE AND FI- "She cried before Cece leapt over to her and slapped a hand on her mouth. Frankie tipped her head back, a trickle of laughter escaping her lips.

"Okay fine, yeah whatever," Cece huffed as she removed her hands from Rosie's mouth.

"So, you and Fili," She smiled and then turned to Frankie, "And you and Kili."

"Well, Kili and I haven't done anything yet whereas Cece and Fili..." Frankie trailed off as Cece's cheeks turned beetroot red.

"How do you even know this?" Cece asked, bewildered.

"Please, Cece, you're my best friend, if anything is going on with you I'd be the first to know," Frankie said nonchalantly. "Plus, I saw you two making out on the balcony one time," She smiled, Cece simply gasped and grabbed a pillow and began beating her friend with it.

"You, little, bugger!" Cece called through hits.

"It's not my fault you choose to do so much PDA!" Frankie laughed as Rosie began trying to pull the pillow out of Cece's hands. Due to their laughter, the girls almost missed Thorin's voice calling them into the main room. Sighing, the girls got up and made their way downstairs wondering what Thorin could want now.

"Good afternoon," Thorin nodded at them as they walked in, looking around they could see the whole company was squashed around the fire.

"Meeting?" Rosie asked and Thorin nodded back at her. The three girls sat down on the floor and looked up at where Thorin was standing.

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