Beginning Of A Battle

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As Rosie and Thorin ran through the halls, their hands tightly intertwined as the clattering and clunking of a war about begin continued around them, Rosie couldn't help but feel a happiness in her, so great and pure, it was like deep stillness. As if, without realizing it, she had been looking for something her entire life and she had finally held it in her very hands, even if it was only briefly. Excitement and adrenaline rushed through her until her entire body didn't feel real anymore as if she was running on thin air moving faster than she ever had done before in her life. Her body a cloud, her thoughts, memories. As they pelted around the corner Rosie felt her heart almost burst with happiness as she saw the entire company dressed in the finest battle armour she'd ever seen. Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Dori Nori, Gandalf, Frankie, Cece and Bilbo, standing with their weapons, preparing for the final chapter.

Rosie and Thorin walked forward, their hands still intertwined tightly as they smiled at the rest of the group. Their friends appeared to have noticed their joint hands, but none of them chose to comment on it, I think it's safe to say now was not a time for sharing stories of new love but rather, now was a time for winning a war. Thorin stepped closer, breaking his contact with Rosie and smiling at his family and friends who had made it with him so far from where they began, been through the very depths of hell and heaven to be here today. Looking around at this group of people, with friends he always had and friends he never expected to make, he grinned a grin so wide an ache rung out in his cheeks.

"Descendants of Durin," He said, speaking softly through the bustle of noise that surrounded them, but even as he said those words, the world around them seemed to slow, the noise now muffled as if underwater, "Both by blood," He smiled at Fili and Kili, the closest thing he ever had to sons, "And by love," He looked to the rest of the company, a group of people he couldn't be more proud to call his family, "We stand here today to finish what was started many moons ago. But not to only finish it...but to win it," He paused, his grin fading into a soft, gentle look of care, "I ask only of you, to fight with everything you have...because that is what will be on the line." The company nodded in return, their faces proud and strong, each one. Rosie once again felt a rush of almost giddy-like excitement run through her as the company turned and made their way to where the old gate used to lie, climbing up high into the shadows where they couldn't be seen. As Rosie climbed with the company she found herself once again with her two best friends.

"So, I take it you and Thorin had a," Frankie said flirtatiously from in front of Rosie.

"I guess you could say that," Rosie grinned back moving up the crooked, stone steps. Rosie took this time to look out on the hundreds of dwarves and elves doing the same, crawling up the walls like ants on a hill until they were all concealed behind the stone wall of Erebor, hidden from view. A low-level chat rang out across Erebor as those who perched on the walls, trying to take this last moment before the battle would commence.

"Hey," Cece said softly from where she was perched on the edge looking below, "Look over there," She pointed a finger down at where the people of Laketown were standing preparing to head out to Dale where they would fight the orcs there with half of Thranduil's massive army. Rosie looked down, wondering what could be so interesting about men shaking slightly as they held their weapons, preparing for the worst. Then she saw it. Not only were the men and boys of Laketown were standing ready to leave, but so were some of the women, most of the women in fact.

"Oh, my gosh," Frankie whispered as the three girls studied the women and a few girls who looked strong and confident holding weapons of all kind and dressed in spare armour from Erebor's armoury, ready to go to war alongside the men.

"They were inspired by you three," A voice came from the side and the three girls turned to see Fili and Kili staring down as well, "Seeing three rather small girls planning an entire battle and facing some rather strong male leaders without so much as a hesitation, was quite inspiring for them," Fili smiled, now looking at Cece who had never looked prouder.

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