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The continued on their path, their minds simply getting worse and worse, it came to a point where the girls prayed for the spiders to show up soon. It wasn't long before the company found their minds more twisted than ever, and soon they came to a skidding halt.

"Nori, what is it?" Thorin asked.

"The path, it disappears,"

After this, hell broke loose. The frustration and fear of the company over the last few hours took over the dwarves. They moaned, groaned and shouted at each other and themselves. The girls found themselves a large rock and sat down on it together, trying to clear their minds.

Rosie and Frankie watched as a fight broke out between the dwarves, all of which had now turned angry at their twisted mental state. Cece, however, watched as Bilbo absent minded plucked at an overly large cobweb. Things are on track she thought and tried to be happy, but funnily enough, no happiness came.

Cece then watched as Bilbo began to climb a tree in search for the sunlight they all desperately needed. She felt her mind began to throb and feel sick once more when she realized that giant spiders were about to crawl from all sides of the forest.

"Quiet all of you!" Thorin cried and the company dropped the argument. "We're being watched," He breathed. The girls stood on the rock from where they were standing and drew their weapons. Thorin who saw this moved towards them. "What is it?" He asked desperately, "What did you not tell us!" The girls simply glanced at him before staring up at the trees above them where you could hear a mixture of thrumming and whispers.

"Did I ever tell you I have arachnophobia?" Frankie murmured, drawing her bow.

"Yes," Rosie muttered, unsheathing her sword, "Thrice," Just then a roar from above them filled the air followed by the disgruntled cry of Bilbo.

"Time to go," Cece uttered quickly and with that, they turned and ran into the trees.

"Ce! What now!" Rosie cried as she ran alongside her friends, the company behind her. She turned and saw a dark figure with eight legs and sharp teeth loom on her right.

"We get captured!" Cece called back as she swung her dagger at a dark figure.

"Well, that's just bloody brilliant!" Rosie called back as she took down a spider which was about the leap onto Ori. Cece turned around and became face to face with a giant spider, she was about to lift her dagger and pierce its eyes when she remembered that she needed to get caught. She paused for a moment and this allowed time for the spider to fling her into a sticky web.

"CE!" Someone called but she couldn't see who. Her heart racing, she tried her best to not struggle as another spider took over and twisted her up in the web before dragging her away. She closed her eyes and just prayed that the others would follow her lead.

Rosie watched as her friend was pulled away and knew instantly what she had to do, looking down apologetically at Ori (who didn't notice her) she stepped to the side and let a spider behind her take him down and away. She kept on fighting the spiders until she was sure 2/3's of the company had been taken away. The only ones who were left were Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Balin and Thorin, well they certainly were not going down without a fight.

She looked at Frankie who was doing mighty fine on her own and threw her a look, Frankie simply nodded in response. The turned and looked up at a new set of spiders crashed through the trees and the stood to the side and let them pool over the five dwarves.

Frankie and Rosie found themselves being carted away as well, wrapped in a thin layer of spider silk. Soon they found themselves being hung upside down, the spiders around them crawling around and hissing at each other in their own language. Then the sound of a rock falling grabbed the attention of the spiders and pulled them away apart from one which was sniffing up Bombur. Cece thanked god, Bilbo and his ring were in the building.

Bilbo made quick work of the one spider left before revealing himself and his sword name. He then cut down the company with ease, watching as each of their bodies fell through the layers of cobwebs. The company soon made themselves free of the cobwebs and Frankie (her deep running phobia showing) threw up the contents of her stomach, a little way away.

"Did you know of this?" Thorin asked Rosie and Cece whilst Frankie was busy elsewhere, they didn't even say anything, their faces showed the truth. Thorin shook his head and turned away from the girls, his anger evident.

"There are more spiders on the way, we must prepare to fight them," Was all Rosie could manage to say, feeling a little off that Thorin was not shouting at them. The company nodded and prepped their weapons as the hisses of the spiders could be heard again.

It didn't take long for the spiders to crash through the trees, without saying anything the whole group turned and began running, they didn't get very far but at least they got somewhere which was more open, the battle began. Frankie kept close to Kili knowing that he was going to be separated from the rest of the company, Cece and Fili kept each trying to look out for the other and Rosie was anywhere and everywhere, killing anything which had more than two legs.

The company was far outnumbered, and they knew it, yet none of them chose to back down. Frankie worked with Fili for a moment, killing four spiders in a movement and when she finished she looked up in time to see Kili being grasped by a spider and thrown into another section of trees. Not today she thought as she clambered up after him. Rosie was dancing about (not literally) when she looked up and saw something blonde dash through the trees above them.

"My boyfriend's here," She turned to Cece and winked. Cece nodded and then looked around the company.

"Where's Fran?" She asked.

"With Kili, I'm guessing, you go, I'll stay here," The two girls nodded and turned away. Rosie looked up and saw multiple elves coming to their aid, she then saw a nearby tree, time to start climbing. She scratched her way up the trunk until she reaches a branch which leads over to where the company were currently fighting both elves and spiders and loosing tremendously. Soon Legolas pulled an arrow in the face of Thorin.

"Do not think I won't kill you dwarf," He said lowly, Rosie watched intently. "It would be my pleasure."

Cece burst into the opening where Frankie and Kili were back to backfiring arrow after arrow, she also burst in the same time of a certain red-haired elf. In this moment, several things happened: Kili was pulled away by a spider that he seemed to miss, Frankie and Cece saw each other and in an attempt to greet each other swapped places, Tauriel began to go beast mode and killed a good few spiders, Cece came to the aid of Kili and stabbed the spider behind him, Frankie turned around and saw the situation was being dealt with headed back to where the company was.

Frankie was just about to disappear to where the rest of the company was when she heard something from above her.

"Psst! Frankie, up here!" Came a hiss. Looking up Frankie saw Rosie perched on a tree branch. Making sure there were no elves around she clambered up the tree and sat next to Rosie looking down at the scene. They looked down on the situation and noticed that none of the elves were aware of their presence, which is pretty good going for Rosie and Frankie considering the elves hyper-awareness.

"I found these two not too far away," Came the voice of Tauriel as she pulled Kili and Cece along with her she set them down next to the company, Frankie and Rosie stared at each other.

"Search them," Legolas called and the girls watched as their friends were stripped from all their weapons and treasures. When Legolas and Tauriel began talking in elvish right below them, Rosie and Frankie began whispering to each other.

"We cannot leave Cece alone," Rosie whispered to Frankie, "And if we stay out here we will be attacked by the Borg and his orc pack. We need a plan," Hissed Rosie. Frankie looked lost in thought for a moment before her face cleared.

"You're right," Frankie said and the pushed Rosie off the tree branch.

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