Goblin Cave

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The girls did not lie down to rest like the others, they simply sat on their bedrolls and waited. They knew what was coming and the fact that the rest of the company didn't, made them sick. They had only really got Thorin to trust them recently and now they were going to abuse that, unfortunately, this was for the greater good and as always that meant some sacrifice had to be made.

The girls made sure to really hide all their weapons on their bodies so that even if the goblins were to search them for blades, they would still be able to keep a few. They were ready as they'd ever be. The company settled down and it wasn't soon before everyone was asleep, expect them, granted they had offered to do first watch.

"Thorin's going so pissed," Frankie whispered before sighing.

"Well, he's just going to have to suck it up isn't he," Rosie sighed rubbing at where there was now a lump on her head.

"At least Bilbo isn't going to try and escape," Cece smiled down at the sleeping hobbit. "Frankie, could you unsheathe Bilbo's sword just a little," Frankie, although confused, did so. "When goblins are near, the blade will turn blue," Cece explained, staring at the pale shine of the blade. They sat in silence a little longer, waiting and listening.

"Cece! Hey, Cece!" Frankie hissed at her friend, jostling her awake, Frankie then nodded at Bilbo's blade which now shone a bright blue.

"Shit," Cece said and at that moment a line was carved out of the sand and not two seconds later the floor fell out from beneath them. Screaming the girls fell into the horrid caves of the Goblins, they landed on the bottom of some net being positively squashed by the dwarves above them. There came a large echo of groans from the dwarves and a 'Get the fuck off me' from Frankie. It wasn't long before a swarm of Goblins ran rampant all over them, peeling their weapons away and dragging them off the net. Before the Goblins got to her Cece turned around and found Bilbo.

"Stay here," She whispered and turned to the company before looking back, "And good luck," Probably not the best thing to say to him. A Goblin pulled off the one visible dagger and missed the rest she had hidden before pulling her away.

The stench of the Goblins was horrendous, and the dwarves fought all of them, refusing to follow whereas Rosie, Frankie and Cece simply allowed themselves to be pulled away by the Goblins. They travelled along their poorly built bridges without saying anything and trying not to look at Thorin.

The girls grimaced as some horribly taunting tune began to play from the Goblin audience. The ones who surrounded them refused to shut up and kept on trying to grope at different parts of the girls. They were brought before the repulsing king who was coughing and spluttering and somehow squelching?

"I feel a song coming on," His throaty voice echoed out. He began to gurgle some noises as the company was forced into a group. The dwarves and the goblin king began their little stand-off, the three girls being pushed down so the goblin king couldn't see them. The girls grimaced as the Goblins threw down the weapons they had found before their king.

"Who would be so bold to come armed into my kingdom?" He growled leaning in close. "Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" He cried causing the goblins to once again roar.

"Dwarves, my malevolence," A random Goblin called.

"Well don't just stand there, search them!" The Goblin king cried. Before the girls could react each of them was grabbed by the hair and thrust forward into the view of the king.

"My, my, my, what do we have here," The king asked, bending down to the girls. "Now what, are you?" He asked. The Goblins began screeching and cheering some unfathomable words.

"None of your business," Fili spat as he made his way to the girls but was stopped by a dagger pressed to his throat.

"Now, now. You do know that sharing is caring don't you dwarf!" The king spat before turning back to the girls.

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