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"Okay now lean back, that will be your advantage," Dwalin said watching carefully as Frankie did as he said perfectly. "Very good." It was late in the afternoon and the girls had spent the whole day starting their training sessions. Different people had dropped by at different points of the day however the prince brothers had not once left their side.

"Maybe when you want to Frankie, I can teach you how to use that bow of yours!" Kili called from the side, Frankie only hummed in response as she successfully landed a tap on Cece. Cece groaned as she was yet again defeated by Frankie.

"I suck," Cece sighed.

"And Frankie swallows!" Rosie called from where she was gripping onto Dwalin's back trying to get him on the floor, failing miserably.

"Woah! What did I do?" Frankie called playfully, unable to conceal her laughter, the three dwarves simply raised an eyebrow. By the end of their training session, the sky was dark and the stars shone brightly from where they were scattered, the girls had acquainted their own selection of bruises off today's work. They sleepily made their way back up to their rooms before each of them taking a warm bath and slipping between the sheets, almost instantly falling asleep.

This was how things worked for a whole week, the girls waking up before the crack of dawn to meet Dwalin, Fili and Kili in their training area. They would work the whole day only stopping for lunch until the sun had set. The progress was extremely visible, the girls managed to pick it up easily, even Cece. However, it was one thing to spar and another to try and kill someone.

Frankie managed to get out of afternoon lessons soon since she and Kili would disappear into the woods to practice using the bow and arrow. Fili ended up majorly teaching Cece, showing her all the different ways to use her selection of daggers, he was after all a dagger master.

That meant Rosie had found herself with Dwalin who refused to take it easy on her. For the first part of the week, she stood no possible chance against him, being thrown this way and that. She had the most bruises since instead of learning how to fight with a weapon she was first learning hand-to-hand fighting. Except on one day she somehow managed to predict most Dwalin's moves this meant she could sneak a few of her own in. She was still nowhere near defeating Dwalin, but it was better than being a punching bag.

Although the girls repeatedly got pushed down into the mud, none of them gave up, refusing to show the dwarves a weak side to them. They were all stubborn in their own way, not dwarf-stubborn but something similar. Soon Dwalin started to teach Rosie how to use her sword, but not before running a short test on her.

"Good job Rose," Dwalin sighed happily, Rosie had just successfully spared with Dwalin for a full 10 minutes, sure he was going very easy on her but still for a week's worth of time it was damn good. It was midday and the sun was beating down on them harshly. Both their bodies were shiny with sweat, Rosie was wearing a thin tunic and some leggings and had her hair pulled out of her face, wisps falling out and framing her face.

"Good, now this time, hurt me," He said.

"But- "Rosie started.

"No buts,"

"But- "

"No. "Dwalin cut her off, Rosie sighed and got ready. Right at this moment, Thorin had stopped by to check on the progress, and he obviously had to come right when Dwalin was going to go full-notch. "1, 2, 3!" Dwalin shouted before charging at Rosie, eyes blazing. Rosie did not expect this and ended up clumsily diving to the side as Dwalin crashed into the space where she just was. He then dived for her giving her milliseconds to roll again away, she turned and stood up seeing Dwalin on the floor, this was her chance. She jumped on his back, not really doing much and pushed his head down to the stone with her foot. Of course, what she forgot was that Dwalin wasn't going easy.

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