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Rosie and Thorin rushed into the open gates of Erebor, their footsteps ringing throughout the kingdom.

"Go down to the armoury and warn the others!" Thorin called as he headed towards a certain corridor.

"But..." A part of her wanted to go with him to warn Gandalf, Thranduil and Bard. A part of her wanted to talk about what happened a few seconds ago.

"Go, now!" Thorin called, using his commander voice before disappearing around a corner. Blowing air through her teeth, Rosie turned around and sprinted down the now familiar corridor, soon bursting around the corner coming face to face with the rest of the company.

"Rosie!" Bofur called out cheerfully, a pipe in his mouth, smoke rings dancing playfully on the ceiling. The company was sitting around the fire in the room, laughing and joking about this and that. You'd never guess they'd be riding into war in a few minutes.

"They're here," Rosie blurted before rushing over to the armour and flinging on the purple tunic that had been laid out for her.

"What?" Dwalin said standing, his jokes and laughter now in the past.

"The orcs, me and Thorin heard them, they're close," she said, fumbling with the belt around her waist, staring at Dwalin as she did so, "They're here," These words caused the entire company to jump on their feet, the laughter that had been on the features merely seconds ago, gone from sight.

"Let's go," Dwalin said, "Thorin shall be needing us on the east wing," and with that the dwarves began filling out in perfect order as if they had been training for this their whole lives, leaving the three girls behind in the armoury. Not before Balin turned to Rosie and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You sure you're alright," Balin said softly so the others couldn't hear. In that moment, Rosie had a strong sense of déjà vu wash over her, she was reminded of the time she first arrived in middle earth and Balin had been the one to ask her if she was alright, it was almost as if she was re-living that moment.

"Yes, I'm fine," Rosie said curtly, lacing up her boots with some ferocity.

"Know what you're doing?"

"Yes, of course, I know what I'm doing, you know why I know what I'm doing? Because I'm one-third of the people who planned what I'm doing," She huffed as she tied her hair back out of her face and in a sloppy bun.

"Okay lassie," Balin said with a smile and a wink before he too disappeared down the corridor, Rosie sighed as she watched him go.

"So," Came a voice from behind her, turning around she saw her two best friends in the entire world standing behind her with their arms folded, "Thorin get you riled up?" Frankie smirked as she took the pins out of Rosie's hands and started to redo her hair, their dwarven friends merely a sound of footsteps in the distance.

"No," Rosie said firmly, "Well...yes, I mean, but no ugh!" Rosie sighed, slapping her hands over her face.

"No well yes I mean but no ugh?" Cece said in a questioning tone as she began strapping beautifully crafted metal shin-pads onto Rosie's legs, "Not to be picky, but that's not a brilliant answer,"

"It's just..." Rosie sighed.

"Yes?" Both Frankie and Cece asked at the same time.

"It's just...nothing," Rosie said simply causing both Frankie and Cece to stop in their tracks and stare at her.


"Nothing," Rosie paused, dazing off slightly, "And that's precisely the problem,"

"Huh?" Frankie asked from behind her.

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