Hangover Cure

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Cece groaned deeply as she awoke. Looking around, she found that she had made it back into the bedroom, however, she was sprawled on the floor, a leg dangling in an open draw. She slowly made her way to her feet and walked into the bathroom to find Rosie sitting in the bath, fast asleep. She took a moment empty the contents of her stomach in the toilet before drinking a glass of water. Now time to find Frankie.

She stumbled down the stairs, gripping onto the bannister as she did so. Her head was throbbing, and her throat felt bone dry. She stumbled into the dining area and found the whole company staring at her, questioning looks.

"Morning all," She sighed before sitting down at the table, she was still wearing her gown from last night however her hair was a bird's nest and her mascara had dribbled down her face.

"Rough morning?" Bofur asked softly before pushing a glass of water towards her.

"Don't I know it," Cece sighed before downing the glass and laying her head on the table. "Where's Frankie?" Came her muffled voice.

"She's right there," Someone said, Cece lifted her head to see Frankie lying on the floor not too far away, an empty wine glass in hand. Someone had carefully placed a pillow under her head and covered her with a blanket, Cece wondered who.

"What happened?" Cece asked staring at her dishevelled friend.

"She turned around, walked into a pillar, left her there," Kili said, scoffing down some bread. Cece looked at Kili for a moment, thought about his answer before laying her head back on the table. It was a few minutes before anything happened that would make her lift her head up again.

"Who gave me alcohol?" Rosie moaned as she stumbled in. She was a mess. Rosie made her way to the table where she grabbed a jug of water, pouring herself a glass before slumping into an available seat. The lady elves gave her disapproving looks to the three girls, and if they saw, they really couldn't care.

"You might wanna clean up a bit more before Thorin comes, he's not too 'appy about last night," Dwalin said, chewing on something meaty. Rosie responded to this by shuffling and resting her head on Dwalin's beefy shoulder, muttering some rude words under her breath. She then sat up straight taking a few deep breaths.

"How bad?" Rosie asked, not opening her eyes. When no answer came peeked out of one eye to see a selection of apologetic faces facing her.


Rosie, Frankie and Cece (with the help of two dwarf princes and Bofur) managed to make it back to their room in one piece. They laid the snoring Frankie down on the cosy bed and tucked her in the snug blankets, sleep was the best remedy to Frankie's hangovers, it was best just to leave her alone. The three boys made sure that the three girls were okay before they left them to have a bath and get ready for the day.

"Rosie," Cece called.

"Hmm?" Came Rosie's response from where she was in the bathroom sloshing around in slightly chilly water, there was a pause before Cece continued.

"Do you think we could play some music?" The next pause came from Rosie.

"Go for it." Cece dived into Frankie's backpack and pulled out Frankie's phone and speaker, which was thankfully small and portable. She turned it on and connected it to Frankie's phone, she scrolled through Frankie's music, looking for the perfect song. She soon found it and switched it on.

Encountered all your aces you ain't winning,

Your phone book full of numbers 'stead of names.

A whoop of appreciation came from Rosie as Meet Me hummed through the room. Cece began singing along softly, her hangover still getting the best of her. As the song got further in Cece found herself swaying and dancing along, the beat getting the better of her.

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