The Morning

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After Rosie had shared the positive news with her friends she had returned to her chambers for a good night's sleep. Tomorrow was a big day, tomorrow they would let Bard have a share of the gold and, let him and his people stay in the mountain. And if they were lucky, they might even get Thranduil to stay as well, but for now, they were going to just concentrate on Bard.

Rosie slept like a log, as did the others, for the night was peaceful, no birds sang, no wind howled. The only sound that could be heard was the breath of each other. But there was one person not asleep, one person, whose dreams in real life were bigger than those in their head.

Kili stood on the gate, the cool air of the mountain brushing through his dark mop of hair. The world around him was quiet, yet the thoughts in his head were loud. So loud, that he did not realize the figure standing behind him.

"I thought I'd find you here," Came a smooth voice. Turning around he gazed upon the image of Frankie, she was wearing something that wasn't hers, something white and wispy that he could have sworn Cece had been dancing with Fili in a few days ago.

"That is not your dress," He simply smiled up at her as she made her way over to him, a figure in the moonlight.

"Correct," She smiled back as she climbed the barrier and resting on the cool stone, her legs slipping out from her dress and dangling over the edge. Kili tried to look away.

"It feels like the calm before the storm," Kili said softly after a moment, looking out at where Dale sat, now a dim glow in the night, "Something's about to happen,"

"No shit Sherlock," Frankie chuckled.

"What does that mean?" Kili asked, turning to her.

"Well, Sherlock's like a really big famous detective- "


"Oh god," Franke said, tipping her head back slightly, "If you don't know what a detective is then there's no point in me even trying," She said playfully, Kili simply smiled to himself as he turned back to the view.

"Detective," He said once more, familiarizing his tongue with the mysterious word, "You are full of mystery milady," He then smiled.

"Thank you," Frankie said softly turning her head slightly away, not before Kili caught a red glow on her cheeks, illuminated by moonlight. "One could only dream to be as mysterious as me,"

"Ah, of course, of course," Kili smiled back before a comforting silence fell on the scene, "Speaking of dreams," Kili continued, "What's your dream?"

"What's my what?" Frankie asked stretching out her legs.

"You know, your dream," Kili said as if it were obvious.

" you mean that in any particular way? Or...,"

"Well," Kili began turning his head to the sky, "For my kin, it's just this thing where every dwarf has a dream. I'm sure there's some religious history to the idea but...I never listened to that part. I grew up being told, by my mother, that we all eventually conjure one ultimate dream. Like the Arkenstone of dreams," Kili started and was interrupted by Frankie's chuckle.

"You should put that on a t-shirt," She smiled and Kili smiled too, for a t-shirt was, in fact, something he knew.

"Anyways, my mother's dream was to see her sons grow old," Frankie felt something hit her in her heart, "Uncle's was to reclaim the mountain and give his people what they wanted, and I'm pretty sure Fili recently told me that his dream was to tie two elves in a physical knot...but he could have been joking,"

"You think?" Frankie spluttered as she grinned.

"But what's your dream?" Kili then said, turning to her, she thought for a moment.

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