Sneaking Out

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Rosie and Bilbo were packed and ready to leave with the Arkenstone and the chest of white gems. They had their plan ready and they knew what they were doing, there was just one problem, the others didn't.

"Okay here is where we will leave," Rosie whispered to Bilbo as they crouched in the dark, viewing the edge of the stony cliff.

"How?" Bilbo whispered back.

"Well simple really, we just need some sturdy rope," Rosie grinned back, a glint in her eye, Bilbo returned her grin before looking back at the edge of the cliff.

"And you're sure this will work," Bilbo asked.

"No," Rosie replied, "But it's better than sitting here and twiddling our thumbs waiting for a war," She said softly and Bilbo nodded, his brown curls bouncing slightly.

"So we need some rope," Bilbo said, getting back to business.

"Yes, I was thinking we use the rope from when we built the wall, the one that carried those heavy stones around," Rosie said turning and facing Bilbo, "I was hoping you could go get it,"

"Why not you?" Bilbo asked, a frown on his features.

"Well many reasons actually, 1- you're smaller than me meaning you will have more stealth and 2-there is another errand that I must attend to," She said softly.

"What would that be?"

"Well, we can't just leave and tell no one," Rosie said softly, "I haven't been talking to my friends over the past few days but, they deserve to know," Rosie said more to herself than anyone.

"Okay," Bilbo nodded, "I'll go get the rope, meet here in 15 minutes,"

"Deal," Rosie nodded and they both stood and scuttled away into the walls of Erebor.

"What do we do now?" Fili sighed frustrated as he leaned back in his chair.

"I don't know," Cece huffed herself as she flopped on the floor. "Talking was supposed to snap him out of it, talking was supposed to make it...better," Cece said softly as her eyes got glassy.

"Don't worry Ce," Frankie hummed as she ran a hand over her friend's back, "It's going to be okay. Remember, Rosie made the promise to Thranduil, he will not attack us,"

"Oh and Rosie!" Cece cried, "She's sick too! The plan is failing!" Cece said before burying her head in her arms. Fili then quietly slipped off his chair and engulfed Cece in his thick arms, humming sweet words in her ears.

"Where even is Rosie?" Kili asked from the other side of the room and as if on cue there was a light rapping at the door, the small group fell to silence.

"You don't think..." Fili trailed off looking at the door where another rap could be heard.

"I guess we'll find out," Frankie replied as she got up and opened the door where there stood none other than Rosie.

"Hi," She said carefully after a moment of silence. No one said anything.

"Rosie!" Cece then cried, jumping up from where she sat in Fili's arms and pulling her friend into a tight embrace, Rosie looked shocked for a moment before she too wrapped her arms around her friend.

"Cece let her breathe," Frankie smiled as she pried Cece off her friend, Rosie laughed.

"Rosie..." Kili smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to say 2 things actually, 1- I'm sorry I haven't been talking these past few days and, 2- ...I'm sneaking out of Erebor with Bilbo tonight," There was a pause.

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