What A Troll

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"This is stupid."

Rosie and Cece were currently sitting at the base of a tree not so far from where the company had set up camp, they could see the throbbing light of the fire through the trees, but they were far enough away to not see the actual members of the company. Frankie had found herself a comfortable spot in the tree Rosie and Cece were currently sitting at the bottom of. She had a brilliant view of the princes who were currently chatting to themselves by the ponies, from up here she could see both fires of the dwarves and trolls.

"No, it's not stupid," Cece said looking up at where Frankie was in the trees. "It's just, a bit much," She said looking at Rosie opposite her who had nodded off propped up by the tree behind her. Cece watched as her friend began slowly snoring next to her, an eyebrow raised.

"Guys, guys!" Frankie suddenly hissed down to them.

"What?" Cece called standing up suddenly and looking up at her friend, by doing this she woke a very confused Rosie.

"Woah, wha- where?" Rosie asked, blinking and scrambling getting to her feet.

"Shh," Frankie hissed from above. Cece and Rosie watched anxiously as their friend had her eyes fixed on a point on the ground. After a few moments of listening to the strange noises in the night, Frankie gave them a report of what she had just seen.

"Okay Fili, Kili and Bilbo have disappeared near the Troll camp, Bilbo must now be trying to free the Ponies and the brothers...Ah! Yes! There they are! They're moving over to the rest of the company, no doubt telling them what we already knew," Frankie said, her eyes fixed on what was happening. "Idiots," They heard Frankie say under her breath. Rosie and Cece looked at each other before looking up at their friend.

"Frankie? What's happening now?" Rosie asked in a hushed tone.

"The company have followed the brothers with weapons into where Bilbo disappeared, let's go," Frankie said before swinging herself down from the branch and clambering down the tree. As soon as Frankie's feet hit the ground the three girls sneaked to where the companies camp had been abandoned.

"Okay like we said, look for any weapons," Rosie called out, she began rummaging through some of the dwarf's bags, unfortunately finding no weapons

"I got one!" Cece suddenly called from across the camp, the girls ran to her where she pulled out a decent dagger which was the length of her forearm.

"Here give it to me," Frankie said taking it with ease, Rosie couldn't help but notice how well the blade looked with Frankie; like it was an extension of her body.

"There's two," Cece smiled pulling out another.

"Give it to Rosie," Frankie said, Rosie took the weapon and instantly felt power course through her veins.

"Whose bag are these from?" Rosie asked viewing the handsome markings on the blade.

"Fili's," Cece said with a slight smile. The girls nodded with grins on their faces, who else would have extra blades?

"Okay, let's go,"

Rosie felt her heart hammering as she and her friends made their way to where the Trolls had set up camp, the glow of the fire became more distinct as they got closer. They soon found themselves crouching behind a thick tree and peering around. The scene that greeted them was almost laughable. There was a pile of dwarves just a little to their right, all of which were bagged, amongst them they could spot Thorin, Fili, Kili and Bilbo and some others, the rest, however, were tied onto a large tree trunk and were being spun above a fire.

"They should be sortied and grilled with a sprinkle of sage," One of the foul beasts said to the other slowly turning the dwarves on the trunk around.

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