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After Rosie and Thorin's conversation, Rosie had decided that Thorin was not in fact sick. When he had talked to her, his eyes were clear and he smiled and laughed, therefore he could not be sick. When she revealed this news to Frankie and Cece, she was surprised when neither of them agreed. Rosie had gotten angry with them and had stormed off, believing them to be inconsiderate and ignorant. The two girls hadn't talked to their best friend for three days now, and they were beginning to worry.

"Guys, I'm telling you. Whatever's gotten into Thorin has gotten into Rosie!" Frankie sighed as she paced, angrily around the chamber.

"Maybe not gold sickness, but...something," Cece corrected from where she was leaning against a stone wall.

"But why Rosie, she has no association with Erebor," Fili sighed as he ran his hands, tiredly down his face.

"I don't know somethings...happened I guess," Frankie once again sighed as she came to an abrupt halt in front of the small gathering.

"Well, we need to cure what Thorin has then," Kili said, "If we can cure what he has, then whatever she has can be cured,"

"That's where our problem lies," Cece said sadly, her eyes staring at the bed, but her mind seemed far away.

"We think that whatever Thorin has, Rosie could be the one to cure it," Frankie huffed as she joined the group on the floor.

"Why?" Kili asked his brows furrowed, the girls paused.

"Just an instinct," Cece said and Kili let it go. However, Fili, unlike his brother, understood why the girls had thought that this would be the solution. He too had seen the looks both Thorin and Rosie had thrown each other when they thought no one could see, or even subconsciously. Something unidentified hung in the air around Thorin and Rosie, something élite.

"Look, we need to help our friends, no matter what the cause," Frankie summed up and the others were quick to agree.

"So, what's the plan," Fili asked and the girls shared a look.

"Well in the movies, Thorin pulls himself out of the dragon sickness with the help of some words by Dwalin, however, he does this far too late. If we can do this now, if we can somehow trigger Thorin to pull himself out of this, then we can move on to the next part of the story," Cece explains, careful of her words, understanding that Kili still did not know the full story.

"But we have tried talking to him, it just doesn't work, it's like talking to a wall," Kili huffed.

"But maybe we have to stop being soft and sweet with him, maybe we have to be harsh and unloving with him," Cece wondered.

"That could work..." Fili wondered as he began to think. The four friends then buried themselves in their thoughts, trying to come up with a solution. Then Frankie's eyes lit up.

"I have a plan,"

Rosie once again stood in the shadows and watched as Thorin walked along the piles of money. She didn't know how she felt towards this, it was like her body was split almost perfectly in half, one side of her told her that he was sick whilst another declared that it was merely the joy of being home once more. She wanted to look away and she wanted to stay at the same time. She wanted to be quiet and she wanted to scream. She was split in two.

Then, Thorin seemed to jolt and look up at a certain direction, fixated like a lion who has found prey. He moved swiftly down a corridor, Rosie paused before she stepped out into the light and followed him. She was surprised that Thorin did not realize her presence behind him as her footsteps echoed throughout the halls, however, Thorin appeared to be lost in a mindset of his own.

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