Looking Ahead

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Thorin looked behind him just in time to see Rosie's small body falling into the water, his heart sank. Is she hurt? What was the bag in her arms? She's too far behind, we can't help her Thorin angrily thought, something rising in his chest. As Rosie fell into the wild water Thorin lost sight of her, he could only hope and pray that she was going to be okay.

Legolas watched as Rosie began floating downstream, her body being thrown this way and that, not having the protection of a wooden barrel to help her. He was watching her go when he heard a noise behind him, looking around in time he saw an arrow be shot out of the air by another and strong, beautiful Tauriel diving in and coming close to killing the orc which had fired the initial arrow.

"Tauriel! Wait! This one we keep alive," Legolas spoke in the elvish tongue, Tauriel gave a fierce look at Legolas and then when she thought he had turned away she looked longingly down the river. An ache spread through Legolas' chest to see her look at someone the way he wished she did him. He too looked down the river to see the small frame of Rosie disappear out of sight. I wish you well, little one he thought.

As for Rosie, she was having a whole other experience. Rosie was an okay swimmer, no better or worse than the next person. But that was when your swimming in a calm pool, maybe a salty sea, not a fanatical river. Rosie felt her body being thrown this way and that, she didn't know which way was up and which way was down. All she could do was splutter for air as she plunged in and out of the water. She gripped tightly to the bag and felt it weigh her down, but she refused to let it go, these weapons were important, these weapons were needed. Multiple times she felt certain parts of her slam against something hard, her body thrummed and ached. The water was icy cold, and it felt like needles attacking her from all over. I'm going to make it she thought to herself a wave of confidence slamming into her, and then the lights went out.

The barrels slowed down once they got to calmer waters, the company soon found a rocky piece of land where they could take refuge. They clambered onto it, beaten, bruised and cold, simply seeking a warm fire and a hearty meal. Cece spluttered out of the barrel and helped the hobbit along before she was taken in a pair of arms. She melted into them and at first thought it was Frankie but she found herself running her hands through a blonde lion's mane.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay," She whispered into Fili's ear when she felt the tension that was so prominent on his shoulders. This made him visibly relax and he squeezed Cece with his thick arms. She was pulled away by someone else and found herself in yet another bone-crushing hug, this time it was Frankie.

"I was so worried!" Frankie cried as she engulfed her friend.

"You were?" Cece cried back. "How the hell do you think I felt, finding out that my friend was out here all alone?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever, it's fine, I'm okay," Frankie pulled back and smiled softly, ruffling Cece's now wet mop.

"Where's Rosie?" Ori called from where he was stood on a rock looking around, an unreadable look on his face. Cece and Frankie made eye contact for a moment before they ran to the edge of the water, the company hot on their tails.

"Come on Rosie, come on," Frankie muttered her eyes wide and anxious as she watched and waited for something, anything to appear in the calm water. Thorin had pushed himself to the front and was viewing the water with an agonized glare. Then, a lump of something came around the corner, floating its way towards the company.

"ROSIE!" Cece cried, running into the water however Thorin had beat her to it. Thorin being a strong swimmer moved across the water in record time, he gripped onto the floating form and began leading it back with haste. As soon as Thorin could put his feet on the ground, he scooped Rosie up in his arms and laid her out on some of the softer stones.

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