The Three Women Of Durin

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That night on the gate was a few weeks ago, I started writing this story that night. Me, Frankie and Cece all perched on a large desk in the library, a pot of tea to sip and stale biscuits to nibble between us as we planned the book we were going to write. Our story was forever going to be encased in the great library of Erebor for all to see, because, whilst the memories of us still live on on earth, in the minds of the families and friends we unwillingly left behind, one day there might be a time when the people of Durin forget this cautionary tale about the three girls who risked life and limb for their homeland.

The three of us haven't slept for a few weeks now, constantly thinking about the life we have lived over the past few months. Trying our best to get every detail, every conversation and even every look in the pages of this book. Before us lies 60 years of peace, 60 years to live our lives to the full before we face the dangers of battle once more. But hey, we got this.

In these past few weeks, Erebor has taken massive strides in progress. A message has been sent out to the blue mountains of reclaiming Erebor and we got word back, they're said to be arriving in 3 or 4 more months. In the meantime, we've bid farewell to the men and women of Laketown, wishing Bard and his family the best lives they could possibly live. Every once in a while, I peek over the gate and sure enough Laketown is being rebuilt, however, it's stronger and more beautiful ever. It's doused with the promise of a healthy life where, although every man and women now own a small fortune, money is not the most sought-after possession. Instead, love, family and the idea of home have been pushed as priorities, and it's bloody brilliant to see them bloom.

Elrond left shortly after, with his army which was still high in numbers and, of course, Legolas. That goodbye was particularly hard, but myself, Frankie and Cece promised the two elves that we will definitely meet again, they couldn't escape us that easily. Tauriel, of course, left the day after Legolas did, we embraced tightly but refrained from shedding any tears as Tauriel promised to visit us for tea every other week as she was going back to Mirkwood, where her relationship with the king was now on steady ground.

Gandalf and Bilbo are still here, doing what they can to help. I can't really begin to think about what it's going to be like when they leave, where we'll live a life without Gandalf's wise words or Bilbo's adorable stories, but again, it will not be the final goodbye. We all know this.

So now it's just the company once more inside Erebor, and to be perfectly honest, we're doing great. During the day we clean up Erebor, making piles of different types of stone we have found just outside the gate, ready for when we rebuild. Some of us spend time going into all the rooms, dusting and cleaning, preparing them for life once more to live inside. As gold sickness is not a threat anymore, Thorin, Fili and Kili spend time in the dungeons where the money was hastily stored. They're documenting how much they have so they can distribute it equally on spending it on things such as food, clothes etc. Every night, we gather around the same table, we share stories over warm meals and goblets of wine before disappearing to our respected rooms, with smiles on our faces and a warmth spreading through our hearts.

As I'm writing these final notes we're all sitting in Thorin's room. Some of the lower-class families are a bit in awe at the wealth that quite literally drips from the ceiling, because of this a few minutes ago Thorin promised to put them and their families in some of the wealthiest rooms in Erebor, it was a cute moment. We're here because we may or may not have told the company about Christmas and as a gift to us they surprised us with a Christmas tree which had presents wrapped in paper underneath, it's so thoughtful, I mean, I still have a bit of a lump in my throat. Apparently, they did this because winter was almost ending, so we wouldn't get to celebrate the holiday until next year, and they like the idea of a tree indoors. Oh God, I love these people so much my heart actually hurts.

I'm leaning against Thorin's chest, my legs stretched out across the sofa, my feet falling into the lap of Frankie who has Kili's arm flung around her shoulders and a lazy smile drawn on her lips. Cece and Fili are sitting on the floor near the fire, barely staying awake as per usual as they lean into each other becoming a knot of limbs and lungs. Bofur and Bifur are sharing an armchair, laughing at the sight of Bombur on the floor as he was too scared he was going to break some of Thorin's nice furniture. Oin has a piece of figgy pudding (made by Cece) and is trying to ward Gloin of it. Dwalin is laughing into his beer glass as Dori tells a story, Nori secretly stealing a handkerchief from him as he does so. Balin, the eldest is talking to Ori, the youngest, telling him of his plans for the future. And of course, Gandalf is smoking his pipe whilst Bilbo fiddles with his acorn, both of them in quiet, happy discussion

I'm surrounded by so much love and so much happiness that part of me doesn't think this is real like we're not allowed to simply sit and have fun and that any moment a dragon is going to burst through the gate and wreak havoc on all eighteen of us. But no, we're here, we're happy and we're safe. Hold on, Frankie and Cece are motioning me to the next room.

Slipping out of Thorin's lap Rosie gave his hand a soft squeeze before she brushed his lips against his.

"I'll be back soon,"

"You better," He grinned up, glancing down at her lips before relaxing back down onto the couch, turning back into the story Bofur was telling of the time he took one three orcs whilst heavily intoxicated.

Rosie followed the shadows of her friends through the kitchen/library into Thorin's bedroom where, once again, the windows were open, and the curtains were dancing in the gentle breeze. Through the pale translucent material, Rosie could see the forms of her two best friends staring up at the late winter's night sky. Slowly, she made her way outside, a large lump growing in her throat for some reason.

"I can't believe we did it," Rosie whispered under her breath as she joined her friends, the setting moon was once more caused the snow to shimmer, "We actually fucking changed the story,"

"You thought we couldn't?" Frankie grinned widely at her friend.

"No of course not," Rosie smiled back, "I just thought our story would have a more tragic ending,"

"Our story is not ending," Cece chuckled.

"Well, I did just finish it less than 30 seconds ago," Rosie sighed happily, as a soft breeze traced its fingers in her hair.

"That's our story so far," Cece said as if it were obvious.

"Well, whatever it is. It better go down as one of the greats," Frankie hummed, "And we better get a cool name,"

"What?" Both Rosie and Cece chuckled as they looked at their friend.

"A cool name!" Frankie grinned back, "Like the fellowship is called 'The Fellowship of The Ring' and Hermione, Ron and Harry are called 'The Golden Trio'. What about us...personally, I think we should be called 'The Three Bitches Who Saved the Day',"

"Oh, how about 'The Three Earthly Saints?" Cece said causing a laugh to erupt from her friends. They spent a little longer exchanging wild names on what to call themselves, the three best friends who's love for each other couldn't perish, grinning widely in the moonlight as the names got sillier and sillier.

"How about 'The Three Women of Durin'," Rosie eventually came up with, her voice soft as snow as her eyes fixed on the soft sleet drizzled on top of magical mountain tops.

"I like that," Frankie said softly after a moment, joining her by leaning over the balcony. Cece then joined her friends, the three of them looking over the beautiful scene before them. The sky was beginning to hum from deep navy blue to a royal red splashed with watery orange and peach pink. However, the stars still managed to prickle through the frothy sky. In that moment, it felt as though the sky was smiling down on them.

"No," Came the soft voice of Cece. Rosie turned to look at her best friend, and saw a wistful smile on her face, a smile that usually meant she had had a great idea.

"No?" Frankie asked with raised an eyebrow and a grin painted on her face.

"No," Cece said more sure of herself this time, the sun of a new day reflecting in her eyes as she turned to her best friends, pointing to herself she smiled, "The brains," she turned to Frankie, "The brawn," and then turned to Rosie where she grinned wider than all of Hobbiton, "And the bad driver."


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