Move Out

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The armies got in formation and began moving out. A dozen elven soldiers went ahead, perched on a raised stone, constantly watching the happenings of Dale to ensure no stray orcs were looking our way. Rosie, Frankie and Cece were jostled along by the company, not even having time for a discussion as the scrambled on their hands and knees out of Erebor.

"Right!" Thorin called out from the front of the pack, leading them around to a secret path that would take them to the hills ahead of Dale.

"Tell me again," Cece said in a low voice, hissing slightly as she caught her finger on a particularly sharp rock.

"The paths were used for trading," Dwalin responded, "Trading that wasn't exactly.... how do I say this? Legal," He continued, happy with his choice of words.

"Yeah but trading with who?" Frankie wondered from behind Rosie.

"People of Dale, runaways, strays, anyone who just so happened to be there really," Dwalin answered.

"And you guys were okay with it?" Cece asked.

"Well, we didn't really know about it. The path wasn't made by us, it's not even an official path. It was simply the way a lot of people took, therefore the land got run down and that is what we are walking on today," Dwalin said, his array of weapons clanging and clunking as he moved.

"But if you didn't know about it? Then how come it was your idea to take this route?" Frankie spoke up, her voice ever so slightly playful. Dwalin hesitated in his tracks and Rosie could practically see the clogs in his head spinning.

"I have a friend," He then said curtly, moving on.

"Oh! Do you now?" Frankie said you could hear the smirk in her voice, "Dwalin has a friend, how about that," Frankie then dropped the subject as they continued, now travelling in a small valley of stone, concealed from view.

"Well we're halfway," Rosie sighed as she stood up, wiping the small pieces of stone off her hands. Frankie groaned as too arose.

"Halfway!" She sighed in protest.

"Sorry," Cece joined in, "We'll try to make this more exciting for you. I mean, it's not like we're facing death or anything,"

"Well, we're not facing death," Frankie said raising an eyebrow, "We're crawling around on the floor like toddlers,"

"Wait, I thought toddlers could walk?" Rosie piped up.

"Does it matter?" Frankie huffed.

"Well, we're not crawling around anymore," Cece reasoned as everyone began to stand up straight.

"Yay," Frankie grumbled, adjusting the fit of her weapons belt. As they walked along the path, an array of sounds began to echo off the stone walls, growing louder and louder by the second. It was a gurgling sound of metal on metal and throaty cries. Rosie began to wonder what it could possibly be when Dwalin once again turned around.

"It looks like the battle in Dale has started." He stated simply, his voice showing no sign of emotion. Rosie felt something run the length of her spine as she heard this and was no longer interested in the noise. Now, the group moved on in silence meaning the sounds surrounded them even more, drowning them in the knowledge of what their friends were going through at that moment.

Soon they reached a small overlook, Thorin moved the company on without hesitation but the girls took this moment to look down on Dale. It was their first glance at war. They watched in silence as the orcs pushed and pushed against the wall of highly trained elves and humans that were successfully blocking their way. There were dead bodies visible, broken and bloodied by war. It had only been so many minutes, how could there be so many lifeless forms strewn about. Thankfully, most them were orcs, but not all.

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