Wanna Bet

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The girls were awoken by a pair of dwarf's boot digging into their sides, Rosie grumbled and rolled over away from the boot, Cece lazily sat up and got up whilst Frankie swore something rather extreme under her breath. They looked up to find the prince brothers looking down on them with a look of pure curiosity.

"Um, morning," Rosie grumbled as she got up and stretched, she then became very very aware that she had stripped down to her undies on her bottom half. After the humming of the dwarves was finished the girls had made their way back into the room with the sofas, curling up under blankets and laying out pillows for them to sleep. If they didn't think about it too much, it was just like a sleepover. The dwarves, being the gentlemen they are, turned their backs on the girls to give them some privacy. The girls stumbled into their clothes and grabbed their bags, they also stole some of Cece's mascara and brushed out their hair with their fingers (if you could only glimpse upon the beings of Fili and Kili you would understand why). When they were done they walked past the dwarves to only hear them run and catch up with them.

"Uncle told us to tell you that we will be leaving shortly and that he would like to speak with you before we leave," Kili smiled at the girls, walking in step with them.

"Well that's very kind of you," Frankie yawned, her fingers fiddling with her lion's mane of hair.

"Uh, your welcome," He replied smiling broadly. Frankie then responded by giving him an award-winning smile and walking away. Rosie smirked at Frankie's flirtatious means and the dark tinge that now took place in Kili's cheeks.

"Brother control yourself," She heard Fili say who was looking at Kili the way any older brother would. Rosie heard herself let out a small chuckle at the brother's ways as she and Cece followed in Frankie's footsteps. They made it outside where they felt the warm morning sun spilling onto them and they smiled at the passing hobbits who were bustling about doing their daily chores. They then glimpsed down at the fourteen ponies and horse which were tied up outside the hobbits home.

"You really couldn't find a better place to put them," Cece wondered aloud to no one.

"Where else would we put them lassie?" Bofur, who was passing, asked before moving forward prepping his pony for the journey ahead.

"Francesca, Rossana and Cecilia," The girls heard the bark behind them, they knew it was Thorin before turning around.

"Please, Thorin, its Frankie, Rosie and Cece," Rosie sighed, however, she felt that by saying this it was not going to actually change his mind.

"Well, with some thought and a lot of bribery from a wizard. I am going to make a deal with you," Thorin said, his voice surprisingly...calm. There was a pause.

"Yes?" Cece asked softly.

"You may journey with us until we can find someone who can properly read this map, and when they read the map and it doesn't say something about a door revealing itself in the last light of Durin's day, then you are not to follow us or continue, you are to leave us in peace. If it does...you may journey with us the rest of the way." He said standing up. "Is that a deal," He said, the girls looked at each other. They knew they would not read what's on the map till Rivendell, that was plenty of time to warm up to the company, also they were very sure that what Frankie said was true. Without saying anything they managed to get each other opinions with looks, it was a yes from all of them.

"We accept your offer, Thorin Oakenshield," Rosie stepped forward and offered her hand for a handshake, Thorin looked at it weirdly then at her. With a defeated sigh, Rosie shoved her hand back by her side.

"Here," Thorin then said holding out a small brown pouch, Cece held out her hand to take the pouch since she was closest.

"This pouch contains a small amount coins, take it down to the market, you can buy yourself bedrolls and anything else you feel you need. In the next town over we're going to find you each pony so you don't need to worry about that right now," Thorin said before dropping the pouch into the open palm of Cece. The girls nodded and made their way down to the market which they could see over the rolling hill they were currently standing.

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